Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Medicina

Pagina nr. 4547 di 8096       

Lyngby, Helge
Textkritiska studier till Celsus' Medicina / av Helge Lyngby
Göteborg - Elanders, 1931
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Inspection médicale des écoles publiques et privées - règlement / Ville de Lyon, Bureau municipale d'hygiène ; (directeur Paul Vigne)
Lyon - Impr. Nouvelle Lyonnaise, 1919
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Lyon, Ernest (medico)
Virus diseases and the cardiovascular system - a survey / by Ernest Lyon
New York - Grune & Stratton, 1956
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Lyon, J. F.
Ueber die Methode der Blutkorperzahlung / von J.F. Lyon und R. Thoma
Berlin - G. Reimer, (1881 )
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Lyonnet, Robert
Brevis dissertatio De morbis haereditariis, auctore Roberto Lyonnet, Aniciensi, ... doctore medico, & almae facultatis medicae Valentinae decano, consiliario & medico regio ..
Pariis - apud Gasparum Meturas, via Iacobaea, sub signo SS. Trinitatis, prope Maturinenses, 1647
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Lyons, Albert S.
Histoire illustree de la medicine / par Albert S. Lyons et R. Joseph Petrucelli
Paris - Presses de la Renaissance, (19.. )
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Lyons, Albert S.
Medicine - an illustrated history / by Albert S. Lyons and Joseph R. Petrucelli ; with special section by Juan Bosch ... (ed altri) ; contributions by Alan H. Barnert ... (et al.)
New York - Abradale press - Harry N. Abrams, 1987
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Lyons, Albert S.
Medicine - an illustrated history / By Albert S. Lyons and R. Joseph Petrucelli with special section by Juan Bosch e altri
New York - Abrams, 1978
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Lyons, Albert S.
La storia della medicina / di Albert S. Lyons e R. Joseph Petrucelli, II ; con sezioni speciali di Juan Bosch... ed altri e contributi di Alan M. Barnert... et al.
Salerno - Momento medico, ©1992
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Lyons, Albert S.
La storia della medicina / di Albert S. Lyons e R. Joseph Petrucelli, II ; con sezioni speciali di Juan Bosch...(ed altri) e contributi di Alan M. Barnert...(et al.)
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato ) - Menarini, soluzioni per il domani
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Lyons, J. B.
James Joyce & medicine / J. B. Lyons
Dublin - Dolmen, c1973
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Lyons, J. B.
Thrust Syphilis down to hell and other rejoyceana - studies in the border-lands of literature and medicine / J B Lyons
Dublin - The Glendale Press, 1988
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Lyons, Robert Dyer
A handbook of hospital practice or An introduction to the practical study of medicine at the bedside / by Robert D. Lyons
London - Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, & Roberts, 1859
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Lys, F. (medicina omeopatica)
Enfants de réfugies politiques / F. Lys
Incluso in > Les echos du Centre Liegeois d'Homeopathie / Centre Liegeois d'Homeopathie
Testo a stampa

Lyser, Michael
Michaelis Lyseri Culter anatomicus. Hoc est- methodus brevis, facilis ac perspicua artificiosè & compendiosè humana incidendi cadavera; cum nonnullorum instrumentorum iconibus
Francofurti ; (Hafnia) - ex Officina Haffniensi Petri Hauboldi ..., 1679
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