Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Medicina

Pagina nr. 5338 di 8096       

Murphy, Edmond A.
Biostatistics in medicine / Edmond A. Murphy ; (illustrations by the author)
Baltimore - Johns Hopkins University Press, c1982
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Murphy, Edmond A.
The logic of medicine / Edmond A. Murphy
Baltimore (etc.) - Johns Hopkins University Press, c1976
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Murphy, Edmond A.
Probability in medicine / Edmond A. Murphy
Baltimore ; London - The Johns Hopkins university press, c1979
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Murphy, Edmond A.
Skepsis, dogma, and belief - uses and abuses in medicine / Edmond A. Murphy
Baltimore ; London - The Johns Hopkins university press, c1981
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Murphy, Ellen
A study of relationship between two polymorphisms of peroxisome proliferators activated receptor-a and diabetic cardiovascular disease - tesi di dottorato di ricerca / Ellen Murphy ; coordinatore- Antonio Tiengo ; supervisore- Angelo Avogadro
(Padova), 2005
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Murphy, Francis D.
Acute medical disorders - Diagnosis and treatment / By Francis D. Murphy; foreword by George Norris Piersol
Philadelphia - Davis, 1949
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Murphy, Robin
Homeopathic medical repertory - A modern alphabetical repertory / By Robin Murphy
Pagosa Springs - Hahnemann Academy of North America, c1996
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Murray, Adolph (1751-1803)
Descriptio arteriarum corporis humani in tabula redacta, cujus partem primam, consensu experient. fac. medicæ Ups. præside Adolpho Murray ... in aud. gustav. maj. die 23. Junii, a 1780 H. a.m. S. publice ventilandam exhibet Johannes Theophilus Nathhorst
Upsaliæ - apud Johan. Edman, direct. et acad. typogr
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Murray, Adolph (1751-1803)
Descriptio arteriarum corporis humani in tabulas redacta, cujus partem quartam et ultimam, consensu experient. fac. medicæ Ups. præside Adolpho Murray ... in audit. gustav. maj. die 4. Junii, a 1783 h. a.m. s. publice ventilandam exhibet Johannes Gustavus Hallman
Upsaliæ - apud Johan. Edman, direct. et acad. typogr
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Murray, Adolph (1751-1803)
Dissertatio anatomica de fascia lata, quam consensu exper. facult. medicæ, præside Adolpho Murray, ... in audit Carol. maj. die 24 Maji; anni 1777, h. a. m. s. Publice defendet Ericus Thurling, ..
Uppsaliæ - apud Johan. Edman, reg. acad. typogr, (1777?)
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Murray, Adolph (1751-1803)
Dissertatio chirurgica de osteosteatomate, quam consensu exper. fac. medicæ, præside Adolpho Murray ... in audit. Gustav. maj. die 3 Maji 1780 ... publice proponet Carolus Norell
Upsaliæ - apud Joh. Edman, direct et reg. acad. typogr., (1780?)
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Murray, Adolph (1751-1803)
In aneurismata femoris observationes, quas, venia exper. medicæ, præside Adolpho Murray, m. d. anat. et chir. profess. r. et o. Acad. Reg. scient. Holm. soc. Scient. Upsal. Acad. ... examini defert Petrus Afzelius Arvidson, stipendiarius Wictorianus, Vestro-Gothus. In audit. gust. Maj. d. 30 Jun. anni 1781
Upsaliae - apud Joh. Edman, direct. et reg. acad. typogr
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Murray, Andreas Johann Georg.
De extracto saturni et aqua vegeto-minerali nominatim optima vtrumque praeparandi ratione experimentis confirmata commentatio medica auctore Andr. Jo. Georgio Murray medicinae doctore
Gottingae - typis Jo. Christ. Dieterich, 1788
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Murray, D. Stark
Medical care - who gets the best service / D. Stark Murray
London - The Fabian society, 1971
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Murray, David Stark
Blueprint for health - ( medical care tomorrow ) / by D. Stark Murray
London - G. Allen & Unwin, c1973
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