(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Medicina |
Pagina nr. 5627 di 8096 |
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Histoire médicale générale et particulière des maladies épidémiques, contagieuses et épizootiques qui ont regne en Europe depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a nos jours / par J. A. F. Ozanam Lyon - J. M. Boursy Testo Monografico Ozino, Giovanni Joannes Ozino a Lexona ut chirurgiae doctor crearetur a schola medica Taurinensis Scientiarum Archigimnasii publice disputabat die 18 junii hora 6 pomeridiana Taurini - ex typographia fori appellationis Testo Monografico ozturk, cengiz Atrial fibrillation in two jet pilots during aircrew periodical medical examination / Cengiz Ozturk ... (ed altri) Incluso in > Aviation, space, and environmental medicine / published monthly by the Aerospace medical association Testo a stampa Ozzano, Tommaso Radioattivita artificiale - applicazioni in biologia e in medicina / Tommaso Ozzano ; pref. del prof. Gennaro Di Macco Torino - Minerva medica, stampa 1951 Testo Monografico Ozzola, Leandro La Basilica di S. Lorenzo in Firenze - e un registro d'entrata e d'uscita di Cosimo de' Medici (1441) / (Leandro Ozzola) (Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n.), 1903 Testo Monografico Oswiecimski, Hans - von Drei Fälle seniler Prostatahypertrophie behandelt mittelst combinirter Massage - Inaugural-Dissertation ... der medicinischen Fak. zu Erlangen Leipzig - Druck von C. G. Naumann, (1893 Testo Monografico O'Boyle, Cornelius The art of medicine - medical teaching at the University of Paris, 1250-1400 / by Cornelius O'Boyle Leiden (etc. - Brill, 1998 Testo Monografico O'Boyle, Cornelius Thirteenth and fourteenth century copies of the Ars medicine - a checklist and contents descriptions of the manuscripts / Cornelius O'Boyle Cambridge - Cambridge wellcome unit for the history of medicine, ©1998 Testo Monografico O'Brien, Peter C. Statistica in medicina nucleare / Peter C. O'Brien, Marc A. Shampo, James S. Robertson ; traduzione- S. Tormenta ; presentazione, revisione e note- G. Galli Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s. n., 1987 (Roma - Sintesi grafica) Testo Monografico O'Malley, Charles Donald The John A. Benjamin Collection of Medical History. Catalogue & First Supplement - reprinted on the Occasion of the International Conference on the History of Medical Education, Sponsored by the Department of Medical History and Supported by Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation UCLA, Febrary 5-9, 1968 / compiled by C.D. O'Malley and Martha Teach Gnudi Los Angeles - University of California, 1968 Testo Monografico Paarmann, Peter Michael Ligni Quassiæ examen pro licentia gradum, honores atque privilegia doctorum medicinæ rite impetranda solemni eruditorum examini proponit d. 26. Septembris 1772 Petrus Michaelis Paarmann Lubecensis h.l.q.c Argentorati - ex officina Jonæ Lorenz, typogr Testo Monografico Paavilainen, Helena M. Medieval pharmacotherapy - continuity and change - case studies from Ibn Sina and some of his late medieval commentators / by Helena M. Paavilainen Leiden ; Boston - Brill, 2009 Testo Monografico Paavo Nurmi symposium (5. ; 1979 ; Borgå) Thrombosis and blood vessel wall interactions in coronary heart disease - proceedings of the fifth Paavo Nurmi symposium, Porvoo, Finland, September, 20-22, 1979 / edited by Vesa Manninen, Clive Wood and Pentti I. Halonen ; assistant editor Yvonne Rue Stockholm - Almqvist and Wiksell, 1980 Incluso in > Acta medica Scandinavica. Supplementum Testo Monografico Pabow, E. Zur Prognose der Otitis media in Säuglingsalter - Inaugural-Dissertation, welche zur Erlangung der Doctorwürde in der Medicin und Chirurgie, mit Zustimmung der medicinischen Facultät der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin am 14. August 1907 nebst den angefügten Thesen / öffentlich verteidigen wird der Verfasser Erich Pabow ; Opponenten Eickenrodt, Dreybladt, Seidel Berlin - G. Schade O. Francke, (1907 ) Testo Monografico Pabst, G. Kohler's Medizinal-Pflanzen in naturgetreuen Abbildungen mit kurz erlauterndem Texte - Atlas zur Pharmacopoeia germanica, austriaca, belgica, danica, helvetica, hungarica, rossica, suecica, Neerlandia, British pharmacopoeia, zum Codex medicamentarius, sowie zur Pharmacopoeia of the United States of America / herausgegeben von G. Pabst Gera - Friedrich von Zezschwitz ; vormals Fr. Eugen Kohler's Botanischer Verlag, 1887-1898 Testo Monografico |