(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Medicina |
Pagina nr. 7210 di 8096 |
Su un caso di stenosi post traumatica dell'uretra / considerazioni medico legali del dottor Marco Stassi Palermo - Scuola tip. Boccone del povero, 1947 Testo Monografico Stassi, Marco Sulle modificazioni umorali provocati da traumi cranici - ricerche sperimentali. Nota I- La refrattomeria del siero sanguigno. Lavoro comunicato al Congresso dela Società Siciliana di medicina legale, delle assicurazioni e del lavoro, Palermo, 30-6 1950. - (Università di Palermo. Istituto di medicina legale e delle assicurazioni. Clinica delle malattie nervose e mentali) Palermo - Tip. La Cartografica, (1950) Testo Monografico Stassi, Marco Traumi contusivi cranici e tumori dell'encefalo - considerazioni medico-legali / dr. Marco Stassi Palermo - Boccone del povero, 1954 Testo Monografico Stati Uniti - Department of Health and Human Services Procedures and questionnaires of the National medical care utilization and expenditure survey / U.S. Department of health and human services Hyattsville MD - U.S. Department of health and human services, 1983 Testo Monografico Stati Uniti - Public Health Service The ship's medicine chest and first aid at sea / compiled and edited by medical officers of the United States Public Healt Service Washington - Government printing office, 1929 Testo Monografico Stati Uniti - The Armed Forces Special Weapons Project 2- The principles of military defense against atomic weapons / Armed Forces Special Weapons Project (Washington) - Armed Forces Special Weapons Project, 1951 Incluso in > Radiological defense - a series of indoctrination lectures on atomic explosion, with medical aspects / compiled by The Armed Forces Special Weapons Project Testo Monografico Stati Uniti d' America - Institute of Medicine - Committee of the Institute of Medicine Consensus development at the NIH- improving the program - report of a study / by a Committee of the Institute of Medicine, Council on Health Care Technology Washington - National Academy Press, 1990 Testo Monografico Stati Uniti d' America - Institute of medicine - Committee on clinical practice guidelines Guidelines for clinical practice - from development to use / Marilyn J. Field and Kathleen N. Lohr, editors ; Committee on clinical practice guidelines, Division of health care services, Institute of medicine Washington - National academy press, 1992 Testo Monografico Stati Uniti d' America - Institute of medicine - Committee on the social and ethical impacts of developments in biomedicine Societys choices - social and ethical decision making in biomedicine / Ruth Ellen Bulger, Elizabeth Meyer Bobby, and Harvey V. Fineberg, editors ; Committe on the social and ethical impacts of developments in biomedicine, Division of health sciences policy, Institute of medicine Washington - National academy press, 1995 Testo Monografico Stati Uniti d' America - Institute of Medicine - Committee to Advise the Public Health Service on Clinical Practice Guidelines Clinical practice guidelines - directions for a new program / Committee to Advise the Public Health Service on Clinical Practice Guidelines, Institute of Medicine ; Marilyn J. Field and Kathleen N. Lohr, editors Washington - National Academy Press, 1990 Testo Monografico Stati Uniti d'America - Atomic Energy Commission - Technical Information Division Cancer research of the Division of biology and medicine Oak Ridge - USAEC of Technical information extension, 1960 Testo Monografico Stati Uniti d'America - Congress - Office of technology assessment Federal policies and the medical devices industry / Office of Technology Assessment, Congress of the United States, Washington, DC New York - Pergamon, 1985 Testo Monografico Stati Uniti d'America - Department of health, education and welfare Medical social services for children in the maternal and child health and crippled children's programs .. Washington - U. S. Department of health, education and welfare, 1953 Testo Monografico Stati Uniti d'America - Department of health, education and welfare Report on regional medical programs to the President and the Congress / submitted by William H. Stewart Washington - Public health service, 1967 Testo Monografico Stati Uniti d'America - Department of health, education and welfare Uniform ambulatory medical care - minimum data set - report of the national Committee on vital and health statistics / U.S. Department of health, education, and welfare Hyattsville MD - U.S. Department of health, education, and welfare, 1981 Testo Monografico |