(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Medicina |
Pagina nr. 7298 di 8096 |
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Susrutas Áyurvédas - id est medicinae systema, a venerabili D'hanvantare demonstratum, a S. discipulo compositum / nunc primum ex Sanskrita in Latinum sermonem vertit introductionem, annotationes et rerum indicem adjecit Franciscus Hesler Erlangae - Ferdinandum Enke Testo Monografico Susruta The Susruta, or system of medicine taught by Dhanwantari, and composed by his disciple Susruta / edited by Sri Madhusu'dana Gupta Calcutta - Education Press, 1835-1836 Testo Monografico Susruta 2- The three divisions called Chikitsa', Kalpa and Uttara Tantra / edited by Sri Madhusu'dana Gupta Calcutta - Printed at the Baptist Mission Press, 1836 Incluso in > The Susruta, or system of medicine taught by Dhanwantari, and composed by his disciple Susruta / edited by Sri Madhusu'dana Gupta Testo Monografico Susruta 1- The three divisions called Su'tra, Nida'na and Sha'ri'ra / edited by Sri Madhusu'dana Gupta Calcutta - Printed by order of the education committee at The Education Press, 1835 Incluso in > The Susruta, or system of medicine taught by Dhanwantari, and composed by his disciple Susruta / edited by Sri Madhusu'dana Gupta Testo Monografico Svahn-Tapper, Gudrun Mantle treatment of Hodgkins disease with 6 Co gamma rays - technique, dosimetry and medical application / Gudrun Svahn-Tapper Lund - University of Lund, 1979 Testo Monografico Svanborg, Alan Epidemiological studies on social and medical conditions of the elderly - report on a survey / (di) Alvar Svanborg, Gunilla Bergstrom & Dan Mellstrom Copenhagen - Regional office for Europe, World health organization, 1982 Testo Monografico Svanborg, Alan E´tudes e´pidmiologiques de la condition sociale et de l'e´tat me´dical des personnes a^ge´es - rapport sur une enque^te / (di) Alvar Svanborg, Gunilla Bergstro¨m and Dan Mellstro¨m Copenhagen - Organisation mondiale de la sante´, Bureau re´gional de l'Europe, 1983 Testo Monografico Svenaeus, Fredrick The Hermeneutics of medicine and the phenomenology of health - steps towards a philosophy of medical practice / by Fredrik Svenaeus Dordrecht (etc.) - Kluwer academic publishers, c2000 Testo Monografico Svenaeus, Fredrick The hermeneutics of medicine and the phenomenology of health - steps towards a philosophy of medical practice / Fredrik Svenaeus Linköping - Linköping University, Department of health and society, 1999 Testo Monografico Svesson, Tommy On the notion of mental illness - problematizing the medical-model conception of certain abnormal behaviour and mental afflictions / Tommy Svesson Aldershot - Avebury, c1995 Testo Monografico Svetincich, Alessandro Massimo Observatio clinico-pathologica peritonitidis in puero scrophuloso - oratio habita in Archigymnasio patavino ab Alexandro Maximo Svetincich Dalmata ad capesenda doctoris Medicinae insignia Patavii - ex Officina sociorum titulo Minerva, 1823 Testo Monografico Svetoni, Giulio Il poeta Fagiuoli alla corte di Cosimo 3. granduca di Toscana - scene comiche fiorentine degli ultimi tempi della dominazione medicea in 3 atti e 6 quadri / dei signori G. Svetoni G. Bongini ; musica del maestro Alfredo Grandi Roma - Tip. dei Commercianti, 1903 Testo Monografico Svezia - Statens Beredning for Utvardering av medicinsk metodik Moderately elevated blood pressure - a report from SBU, The Swedish council on technology assessment in health care Edinburgh - Blackwell science, 1995 Incluso in > Journal of internal medicine. Supplement Testo Monografico Svezia - Statens Beredning for Utvardering av medicinsk metodik Preoperative routines - summary and recommendations / by SBU Stockholm - SBU, stampa 1992 Testo Monografico Svezia - Statens Beredning for Utvardering av medicinsk metodik Stroke - SBU's summary and conclusions Stockholm - SBU, stampa 1993 Testo Monografico |