Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinato per Autore) su:
Medicina (GAR-Z) (keyword)

Pagina nr. 1607
1-100- 200-300- 400-500- 600-700- 800-900- 1000-1100- 1200-1300- 1400-1500- 1600-1700- 1800-1850


segue MEDICINE [pagina inizio voce]

Guy - de Chauliac
The middle English translation of Guy de Chauliac's Treatise on fractures and dislocations - Book 5. of the Great surgery - ed. from Ms. New York Academy of medicine 12 and related Mss.
Lund - Gleerup, 1969
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Guy - de Chauliac
The middle English translation of Guy de Chauliac's Treatise on wounds - Book 3. of The great surgery, edited from MS. New York Academy of medicine 12 and related MSS / Björn Wallner
Lund - GWK Gleerup ; ?poi? Stockholm - Almquist & Wiksell, 1976-
Testo Monografico

Guy - de Chauliac
A middle English version of the introduction to Guy de Chauliac's Chirurgia magna - edited from the Mss
Lund - Gleerup, 1970
Incluso in > Acta Universitatis Lundensis. Sectio 1, Teologica, juridica, humaniora
Testo Monografico

Guyon, Louis (m. ca. 1630)
2- Tome second traitant de la goutte, maladie venerienne, peste, petite verole & rougeole, des fievres, des tumeurs, Playes, vuceres, fractures, dislocations & difformitez exterieures. Augmenté du traité des maladies nouuvelles, extraordinaires, spirituelles, & astrales, auec des recherches curieuses / par M. Lazzare Meyssonnier ..
A Lyon - chez Claude Prost, rue merciere, a la Verité, 1664
Incluso in > Le cours de medecine en francois contenant le miroir de beaute et sante corporelle ... par M. Louis Guyon Dolois, sieur de la nauche ; et la theorie avec un accomplissement de practique selon les p...
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Haakonssen, Lisbeth
Medicine and morals in the enlightenment - John Gregory, Thomas Percival and Benjamin Rush / Lisbeth Haakonssen
Amsterdam ; Atlanta - Rodopi, 1997
Incluso in > Clio medica - acta Academiae internationalis historiae medicinae
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Haber, Kai
Common abbreviations in clinical medicine / Kai Haber
New York - Raven Press, copyr. 1988
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Haggard, Howard W.
Devils, drugs and doctors - the story of the science af healing from medicine man to doctor / by Howard W. Haggard ; with many illustrations from original sources
New York - Pocket books, ©1929
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Hagin, Kenneth E.
La medicina di Dio / di Kenneth E. Hagin
Este - Parola di vita, 1997
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Hagin, Kenneth E.
La medicina di Dio / di Kenneth E. Hagin
Este - Parola di vita, 2001
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Hahn, Robert A.
Physicians of western medicine - Anthropological approaches to theory and practice / Robert A. Hahan, Atwood D. Gaines
Dordrecht (ecc.) - Reidel, 1985
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Hahnemann, Samuel
Etudes de medicine homoeopathique / par le docteur Samuel Hahnemann
Paris - J.-B. Baillière, 1855
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Hahnemann, Samuel
Etudes de médicine homoeopathique - opuscoles servant de complément a ceux qui font suite à la 5 èdition de l'organon / par le docteur S. Hahnemann ; siuvis de la clinique médicale homoeopathique du docteur Hartung ; traduits de l'allemand par le docteur Schlesinger-Rahier
Paris - J.-B. Bailliere, 1850
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Hahnemann, Samuel
Organon of medicine / by Samuel Hahnemann ; translated with preface by William Boericke ; introduction by James Krauss
Calcutta - M. Bhattacharyya & Co., pref. 1965
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Hahnemann, Samuel
Organon of medicine / Samuel Hahnemann ; with explanation by Joseph Reves
Haifa - Homoeopress, 1994
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Hahnemann, Samuel
Organon of medicine - 6. edition Hahnemann's own written revision - word index included / Samuel Hahnemann ; translated by William Boericke
New Delhi - B. Jain Publishers, 2006
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