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Hering, Constantin
Médicine homoeopathique domestique - rédigée d'après les meilleurs ouvrages homoeopathiques... / par le docteur C. Héring ; avec addittions des drs Goullon, Gross et staff , publiée par le docteur Léon Marchant
Peris - J. B. Baillière, 1855
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Hermann, Geroge R.
Methods in medicine - the manualof the medical service of George Dock / by George R. Herrmann
St. Louis - The C. V. Mosby Company, 1924
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Hernandez Gonzalez, Victor Hugo
Biophysical analysis of GAP-junction channels involved in congenital diseases / Victor Hugo Hernandez Gonzalez ; direttore della Scuola- Tullio Pozzan ; supervisore- Fabio Mammano
(Padova), 2008
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The art of medicine in early Alexandria / Herophilus ; edition, translation and essays Heinrich von Staden
Cambridge (etc.) - Cambridge University Press, 1989
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Herrenschwand, Johann Friedrich - von
Traite des principales et des plus frequentes maladies externes et internes. A l'usage des jeunes docteurs en medicine, des chirurgiens-medicins & des praticiens ... Dedie a LL. EE. les souverains seigneurs de l'etat de Berne. Par M. Jean-Frederic de Herrenschwand ..
A Berne - chez Francois Seizer & Compagnie, libraires, 1788
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Hertzka, Gottfried
Dio ci guarisce così - le medicine di s. Ildegarda - un nuovo metodo per guarire con mezzi naturali / dott. Goffredo Hertzka ; versione dal tedesco di suor Fidalma Longo
Povo di Trento - Salus infirmorum, s.d.
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Hertzka, Gottfried
Dio ci guarisce così - le medicine di santa Ildegarda- un nuovo metodo per guarire con mezzi naturali / Godfried Hertzka
Udine - Segno, c1998
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Hertzka, Gottfried
Dio ci guarisce così - le medicine di santa Ildegarda- un nuovo metodo per guarire con mezzi naturali / Godfried Hertzka
Tavagnacco, Udine - Segno, 2008
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Herzlich, Claudine
Médicine maladie et société / Claudine Herzlich
La Haie - Mouton, c1970
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Herzstein, Jessica A.
International *occupational and environmental medicine / Jessica A. Herzstein...(ed altri)
768 p. ; 26 cm
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Hesse, Albrecht
A colour handbook of urinary stones in small animal medicine / Albrecht Hesse, Reto Neiger
London - Manson Publishing, 2009
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Hetet, Frederic
Manuel de chimie organique elementaire - avec ses applications a la medicine, a l'hygiene et a la toxicologie / Frederic Hetet
Paris - Doin, 1880
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Heuvel, Anne M. J. - van den
Torso Undergarments- Their Merit for Clothed and Armored Individuals in Hot-Dry Conditions / Anne M. J. van den Heuvel ... (ed altri)
Incluso in > Aviation, space, and environmental medicine / published monthly by the Aerospace medical association
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Hicks, Angela
Medicina cinese / Angela Hicks
(Milano - ECO, ©2001
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Hida, Tatsutaro
Uber die Starkebildung von Schimmelpilzen
Incluso in > ?The ?journal of the Shanghai science institute. Section 4, Experimental biology and medicine (physiology, biochemistry, pathology, bacteriology and hygiene)
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