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Houston, James Caldwell
Manuale di medicina generale / J. C. Houston, C. L. Joiner, J. R. Trounce ; presentazione del prof. Mario Condorelli ; edizione italiana tradotta dal dr. Antonio Ascione
Napoli - Florio, 1979
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Houston, James Caldwell
A short textbook of medicine / J. C. Houston, C. L. Joiner, J. R. Trounce
London- English University press, 1972
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Houston, Robert Stroud
Proterozoic geology of the Granite village area, Albany and Laramie counties, Wyoming, compared with that the Sierra Madre and Medicine Bow mountains of southeastern Wyoming / by Robert S. Houston and Gordon Marlatt
Washington - United States government printing office, 1997
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Howell, John M. (medico)
Medicina d'emergenza / John M. Howell ... (ed altri ; edizione italiana a cura di Francesco Cosentino
Roma - A. Delfino, 2000-2001
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Howells, John G.
Integral clinical investigation - an aspect of pananthropic medicine / John G. Howells
London - Macmillan, 1982
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Howells, William
Les paiens - mana et tabou, magie blanche et noire, maladie et médicine, sorcellerie et chamanisme, culte des ancetres, totémisme, démons et dieux, essor et déclin d'une religion / William Howells
Paris - Payot, 1950
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Howick, Jeremy
The philosophy of evidence-based medicine / Jeremy Howick ; foreword by Paul Glasziou
Chichester - Wiley-Blackwell/BMJ Books, 2011
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Hrapkiewicz, Karen
Clinical laboratory animal medicine - an introduction / Karen Hrapkiewicz, Leticia Medina
Oxford - Blackwell, 2007
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Hsu, Elisabeth
The transmission of Chinese medicine / Elisabeth Hsu
Cambridge - Cambridge university press, 1999
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Hsu, Hung-yuan
Chinese herb medicine and therapy / Hong-Yen Hsu, William G. Peacher
Hawaiian Gardens, California - Oriental Healing Arts Inst., 1976
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Huard, Pierre
La medicina cinese / Pierre Huard e Ming Wong ; traduzione di Ercole Ferrario
Milano - Il saggiatore, 1967
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Huard, Pierre
Le medicine dell'Asia / Pierre Huard, Jean Bossy, Guy Mazars
Bari - Dedalo, 1981
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Huard, Pierre
Science, Medicine, Pharmacie - de la Revolution a l'Empire (1789-1815) / Pierre Huard ; avec la collaboration de M. D. Grmek
Paris - Les Editions Roger Dacosta, 1970
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Hudson, Bernard
Aids to medicine / Bernard Hudson
London - Baillière, Tindall & Cox, 1919
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Hughes, Harold Kenneth
Dictionary of abbreviations in medicine and the health sciences / Harold K. Hughes
Lexington (etc.) - Lexington Books, 1978
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