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Argomento: Musica (BOR-NOR)

Pagina nr. 3328 di 9329       

Down (gruppo musicale)
Over the under / Down
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato ) - Roadrunner, (2007)
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Down by law (gruppo musicale)
Punkrockacademyfightsong / Down by law
Hollywood - Warner bros, 1994
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Down low (gruppo musicale)
Moonlight / Down Low
Milano - Baby Records, (199 )
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Down4you (gruppo musicale)
Make it easy / Down4you
Modena - OnGoing - Alabianca Group, (1999
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Downes, Bob
Wings / coreografia di Christofer Bruce ; musica di Bob Downes
Incluso in > La stagione lirica 1972-73 / Teatro dell'Opera
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Downes, Edward
Adventures in symphonic music / by Edward Downes ; decorations by John O'Hara Cosgrave
London - Frederick Muller ; Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew, (194.)
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Downes, Olin
Olin Downes on music - a selection from his writings during the Half-Century 1906 to 1955 / edited by Irene Downes ; with a preface by Howard Taubman
New York - Simon and Schuster, 1957
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Downes, Stephen
The muse as Eros - music, erotic fantasy, and male creativity in the romantic and modern imagination / Stephen Downes
Aldershot (etc.) - Ashgate, c2006
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Downes, Stephen
Music and decadence in European modernism- the case of central and eastern Europe / Stephen Downes
Cambridge (etc.) - Cambridge University press, 2010
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Downes, Stephen (musicologo)
After Mahler - Britten, Weill, Henze and romantic redemption / Stephen Downes
Cambridge - Cambridge University Press, 2013
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Downing, Thomas A.
Music and origins of language - theories from the French Enlightenment / Downinig A. Thomas
New York - Cambridge University press, 1995
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Downing, Will
Come together as one / Will Downing
(Gran Bretagna - Island, (1989
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Downs, Lila
Border - la linea / Lila Downs
Milwaukee, WI - Narada, (2001
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Downs, Lila
La cantina - entre copa y copa... / Lila Downs
Milwaukee, WI - Narada, (2006
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Downs, Lila
One blood - una sangre / Lila Downs
Milwaukee, WI - Narada, (2004
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