Black sea biological diversity - Turkey / compiled by Bayram Ozturk - New York - United Nations development programme, c1998 Testo Monografico Black women in American history - from colonial times through the nineteenth century / edited with a preface by Darlene Clark Hine Brooklyn, N. Y. - Carlson Incluso in > Black women in United States history / editor Darlene Clark Hine ; associate editors Elsa Barkley Brown, Tiffany R. L. Patterson, Lillian S. Williams ... ed altri - Brooklyn, New York - Carls Testo Monografico Black women in American history - the twentieth century / edited with a preface by Darlene Clark Hine Brooklyn, N. Y. - Carlson Incluso in > Black women in United States history / editor Darlene Clark Hine ; associate editors Elsa Barkley Brown, Tiffany R. L. Patterson, Lillian S. Williams ... ed altri - Brooklyn, New York - Carls Testo Monografico Black women in United States history / editor Darlene Clark Hine ; associate editors Elsa Barkley Brown, Tiffany R. L. Patterson, Lillian S. Williams ... ed altri - Brooklyn, New York - Carlson, 1990 Testo Monografico Black womens history - theory and practice / edited with a preface by Darlene Clark Hine Brooklyn, New York - Carlson, 1990 Incluso in > Black women in United States history / editor Darlene Clark Hine ; associate editors Elsa Barkley Brown, Tiffany R. L. Patterson, Lillian S. Williams ... ed altri - Brooklyn, New York - Carls Testo Monografico Bleeding in the surgical patient / Conference co-chairmen Seymour Gollub and Alex W. Ulin New York - New York Academy of Sciences, 1964 Incluso in > Annals of the New York academy of sciences Testo Monografico ( Blind delegates to Unesco visit braille's birthplace) Paris - New York Times photos, 1950 Documento di tipo grafico Blood groups in infrahuman species / conference editor Carl Cohen New York - The New York Academy of sciences, 1962 Testo Monografico Blood in contact with natural and artificial surfaces/ edited by Edward F . Leonard, Vincent T. Turitto, and Leo Vroman New York NY - The New York Academy of sciences, 1987 Incluso in > Annals of the New York academy of sciences Testo Monografico ( Bobby Craig) New York - United press international photo, 1958 Documento di tipo grafico Bodini ; Grosso ; Trafeli - December 26 1960, to January 14 1961 / ACA Gallery, New York New York - ACA Gallery, 1960 Testo Monografico Bodini, Grosso, Trafeli - December 26 1960 to January 14 1961 New York - ACA Gallery, 1961 Testo Monografico Body composition / Consulting editor Josef Brozek New York - New York Academy of Sciences, 1963 Incluso in > Annals of the New York academy of sciences Testo Monografico Bogota (Colombia) - il presidente Rojas Pinilla acclamato dalla folla per aver soppresso il giornale El Tiempo New York - International news photos, (1951-1955) Documento di tipo grafico ( Bogota, Colombia (maggio) - in una delle dimostrazioni contro il governo che hanno provocato la legge marziale in Colombia, studenti urlano contro la guardia che staziona dinanzi ai dormitori ...) New York - United press international photo, 1965 Documento di tipo grafico |