Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinato per Autore) su:
New York (keyword)

Pagina nr. 769
1-100- 200-300- 400-500- 600-700- 800-900- 1000-1100- 1200-1300- 1400-1492


Christie's (New York)
The age of elegance - Wednesday, 11 November, 1998 / Christie's
New York - Christie's, (1998?)
Testo Monografico

Christie's (New York)
The Alexander 3., 25. wedding anniversary clock by Carl Fabergé, the property of an American collector - Thursday, 18 April, 1996 / Christie's
New York - Christie's, (1996?)
Testo Monografico

Christie's (New York)
American and European prints / (Christie's
New York - Christie, Manson & Woods, (1985
Testo Monografico

Christie's (New York)
American and European prints - the properties of the Achenbach foundation for graphic arts ... - Wednesday, September 21, 1983 ..
New York - Christie's, (1983?
Testo Monografico

Christie's (New York)
American and European prints, property from the collection of Ruth S. and David M. Heyman ... - Thursday, September 13, 1984 / Christie's
New York - Christie, Manson & Woods, (1984?)
Testo Monografico

Christie's (New York)
American and European prints, the properties of a Boston gentleman ... - Thursday, January 19, 1989 / Christie's
New York - Christie's, (1989?)
Testo Monografico

Christie's (New York)
American and European prints, the properties of a California collector ... - Wednesday, March 6, 1985 / Christie's
New York - Christie's, (1985?)
Testo Monografico

Christie's (New York)
American and European prints, the properties of Norman Sasowsky ... - Thursday, March 15, 1984 / Christie's
New York - Christie, Manson & Woods, (1984?)
Testo Monografico

Christie's (New York)
American and European prints, the property of the estate of Theodore Allen Heinrich ... - Wednesday, March 24, 1982 / Christie's
New York - Christie, Manson & Woods, (1982?)
Testo Monografico

Christie's (New York)
American and European prints, the property of the estate of Thomas B. Card ... - Wednesday, september 22, 1982 / Christie's
New York - Christies, Manson & Woods Int., (1982?)
Testo Monografico

Christie's (New York)
American and modern prints and illustrated books from the collection of Floriano Vecchi, Tiber press ... - Monday, 6 November, 1995 / Christie's
New York - Christie's, (1995?)
Testo Monografico

Christie's (New York)
American and modern prints and illustrated books, from the collection of Robert Rosenwald ... - Friday, November 18, 1994 / Christie's
New York - Christie's, (1994?)
Testo Monografico

Christie's (New York)
American and modern prints and illustrated books, from the collections of William Copley ... - Friday, November 19, 1993 / Christie's
New York - Christie's, ©1993
Testo Monografico

Christie's (New York)
American and modern prints and illustrated books, including prints from the collection of Victor and Sally Ganz, the properties of Thomas W. Baylek ... - Monday, 3 November 1997 / Christie's
New York - Christie's, (1997?)
Testo Monografico

Christie's (New York)
American and modern prints and illustrated books, the properties of formerly in the collection of mr. and mrs. Robert S. Benjamin ... - Wednesday, 6 November, 1996 / Christie's
New York - Christie's, (1995?)
Testo Monografico

[Pagina Precedente] - [Indice] - [Pagina Successiva]