Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinato per Autore) su:
New York (keyword)

Pagina nr. 950
1-100- 200-300- 400-500- 600-700- 800-900- 1000-1100- 1200-1300- 1400-1492


Exposition du Cabinet des dessins (54. ; 1973 ; Paris)
Dessins français du Metropolitan Museum of art New York- de David à Picasso - 54. exposition du Cabinet des dessins Musée du Louvre, 25 octobre - 7 janvier 1974
Paris - Ministère des affaires culturelles - Éditions des musées nationaux, ©1973
Testo Monografico

Exter, Andre Pieter - den
Health care law-making in central and eastern Europe - review of a legal-theoretical model / Andre Pieter den Exter.- Antwerp ; Oxford ; New York - Intersentia, c2002
Testo Monografico

Eyskens, Gaston
Le port de New-York dans son role économique / par Gaston Eyskens
Louvain - R. Fonteyn, 1929
Testo Monografico

Fabre, René
Les grandes lignes de paquebots nord-atlantiques - la concurrence entre les pavillons su la ligne de New York / these pur le doctorat presentee par Renè Fabre
Paris - Imprimerie du Montparnasse et de Persan-Beaumont, 1928
Testo Monografico

Fagiolo Dell'Arco, Maurizio
I bagni misteriosi - De Chirico negli anni Trenta- Parigi, Italia, New York / Maurizio Fagiolo dell'Arco
Milano - Berenice, copyr. 1991
Testo Monografico

Fahy, Everett
Selected acquisitions of european paintings at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1987-1991 / (Everett Fahy
(London - (The Burlington Magazine Publ. , (1991
Testo Monografico

Fainstein, Susan S.
The city builders - property development in New York and London, 1980-2000 / Susan S. Fainstein
Lawrence - University Press of Kansas, c2001
Testo Monografico

Fainstein, Susan S.
The city builders - property, politics, and planning in London and New York / Susan S. Fainstein
Oxford etc. - Blackwell, 1994
Testo Monografico

Fainstein, Susan S.
The city builders- property, politcs and planning in London and New York / Susan S. Fainstein
Oxford ; Cambridge, Mass. - Blackwell, 1994
Testo Monografico

Fairchild, Fred Rogers
Elementary economics / by Fred Rogers Fairchld ; Edgar Stevenson Furniss ; Norman Sydney Buck - New York - The MacMillan Company, 1948 - v. ; 20 cm.
Testo Monografico

Fairchild, John C.
Correlation of littoral transport with wave energy along shores of New York and New Jersey / John C. Fairchild
Washignton - U. S. Army Coastal Engineering Research Center , 1966
Testo Monografico

Fairman, Charles Edwin
Contributions to the mycology of western New York - ?the ?fungi of western New York / by Charles E. Fairman
°Rochester? - the Academy of science, 1890?
Testo Monografico

Fairman, Charles Edwin
New or rare pyrenomyceteae from Western New York / by Charles E. Fairman
Rochester, N.Y. - the Society, 1906
Incluso in > Proceedings of the Rochester Academy of Science
Testo Monografico

Fairman, Charles Edwin
Puff balls, slime moulds and cup-fungi of Orleans county, New York / by Charles E. Fairman
Rochester, N. Y. - the Society
Testo Monografico

Fajardo, Julio
Architetture di New York / Julio Fajardo, Mariana Eguaras Etchetto
Modena - Logos, 2010
Testo Monografico

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