Ford, James Slums and housing - with special reference to New York city - history, conditions, policy / by J. Ford with the collaboration of K. Morrow and G. N. Thompson and an appendix mainly architectural by I. N. Phelps Stokes Cambridge, Mass. - Harvard university press Testo Monografico Ford, James Slums and housing with special reference to New York City - history conditions policy / by James Ford ; with the collaboration of Katherine Morrow and George N. Thompson ; and an appendix mainly architectural by I.N. Phelps Stokes ; prepared and published under the auspices of the Phelps-Stokes Fund Westport - Negro Universities Press, 1971 Testo Monografico Fordham corporate law institute International antitrust law & policy - this volume conteins articles based upon lectures delivered in condensed form ... during the Twenty-ninth annual Fordham Corporate Law Institute on International Antitrust Law & Policy in New York City on October 31 and november 1, 2002 / editor Barry E. Hawk ; Fordham Corporate Law Institute Huntington, N.Y. - Juris Publishing, c2003 Incluso in > Annual proceedings of the Fordham corporate law institute Testo Monografico Fordham corporate law institute International antitrust law & policy - this volume conteins articles based upon lectures delivered in condensed form ... during the Twenty-second annual Fordham Corporate Law Institute on International Antitrust Law & Policy in New York City on October 16 and 17, 1997 / editor Barry E. Hawk Yonkers, N.Y. - Juris Publishing, 1998 Testo Monografico Fordham corporate law institute International antitrust law & policy - this volume conteins articles based upon lectures delivered in condensed form ... during the Twenty-second annual Fordham Corporate Law Institute on International Antitrust Law & Policy in New York City on October 26 and 27, 1995 / editor Barry E. Hawk New York - Juris publishing, 1996 Incluso in > Annual proceedings of the Fordham corporate law institute Testo Monografico Fordham corporate law institute International antitrust law & policy - this volume conteins articles based upon lectures delivered in condensed form ... during the Twenty-seventh annual Fordham Corporate Law Institute on International Antitrust Law & Policy in New York City on October 19 and 20, 2000 / editor Barry E. Hawk Yonkers, N.Y. - Juris Publishing, 2001 Incluso in > Annual proceedings of the Fordham corporate law institute Testo Monografico Fordham corporate law institute International antitrust law & policy - this volume conteins articles based upon lectures delivered in condensed form ... during the Twenty-third annual Fordham Corporate Law Institute on International Antitrust Law & Policy in New York City on October 17 and 18, 1996 / editor Barry E. Hawk Incluso in > Annual proceedings of the Fordham corporate law institute Testo Monografico Fordham corporate law institute International mergers and joint ventures - annual proceedings of the Fordham Corporate Law Institute - this volume contains articles based upon lectures delivered in condensed form, followed by panel discussions during the 17. Annual Fordham Corporate Law Institute on International mergers and joint ventures in New York City on October 18 and 19, 1990 / editor Barry Hawk London - Chancery Law, 1991 Testo Monografico Fordham corporate law institute International project finance ... - New York, November 18 and 19, 1975 / ed. J. C. Sweeney New York - M. Bender, 1976 Testo Monografico Fordham corporate law institute North American and Common market antitrust and trade laws - this volume contains articles based upon lectures delivered in condensed form, followed by panel discussions, during the fifteenth annual Fordham corporate law institute ... in New York City on October 20 and 21, 1988 / editor Barry E. Hawk New York - M. Bender, c1989 Incluso in > Annual proceedings of the Fordham corporate law institute Testo Monografico Fordham corporate law institute (17. ; 1990 ; New York) International mergers & joint ventures - annual proceedings of the Fordham corporate law institute / editor Barry Hawk Ardsley-on-Hudson, (NY) - Transnational juris publ. ; London - Chancery Law Publ., 1991 Testo Monografico Foreman, L.L. White Apache - L. L. Foreman . Belmont Tower books . New York City . 1973 . 154 p. Testo Monografico Forlani, Shana Le Annuali e le Biennali del Whitney Museum di New York / Shana Forlani ; rel. prof. Antonio Tessari Torino - Universita degli studi, 2002 Testo Monografico Forss, George New York New York - meisterfotos des fliegenden Handlers George Forss / vorgestellt von David Douglas Duncan Munchen - List, 1984 Testo Monografico Forster, Edward Morgan A room with a view / E. M. Forster - with a new introduction by David Lea vitt, - New York - Signet classics, 2009 Testo Monografico |