Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinato per Autore) su:
New York (keyword)

Pagina nr. 964
1-100- 200-300- 400-500- 600-700- 800-900- 1000-1100- 1200-1300- 1400-1492


Franklin, Rosemary F.
An index to Henry Jamess prefaces to the New York edition / by Rosemary F. Franklin
Charlottesville - Bibliographical society of the University of Virginia, 1966
Testo Monografico

Franz Kline (1963 ; Torino)
Franz Kline - Torino, Galleria civica d'arte moderna, 5 novembre-1 dicembre 1963 / Mostra organizzata sotto gli auspici dell'International Council del Museum of modern art di New York
Torino - Tip. F.lli Pozzo-Salvati-Gros Monti e C., (1963?
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Franzoni, Ausonio
Gli interessi italiani in New York / Ausonio Franzoni
Roma - Tip. Unione Cooperativa Editrice, 1908
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Frasca, Simona
Birds of passage - i musicisti napoletani a New York (1895-1940) / Simona Frasca
Lucca - Libreria musicale italiana, 2010
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Fraser, Peter Marshall
1- The inscriptions on stone / by P. M. Fraser
New York - Pantheon books, c1960
Incluso in > Samothrace - excavations conducted by the Institute of fine arts of New York university / Karl Lehmann and Phyllis Williams Lehmann editors
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Frazer, Alfred
10 - The propylon of Ptolemy 2. / by Alfred Frazer
Incluso in > Samothrace - excavations conducted by the Institute of fine arts of New York university / Karl Lehmann and Phyllis Williams Lehmann editors
Testo Monografico

Frederic, Harold
Seth's brother's wife - a study of life in the greater New York / by Harold Frederic
New York- Charles Scribner's sons, 1887
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Free, G. R.
831- Experiments in the control of soil erosion in central New York / G. R. Free ... ed altri
Ithaca - Cornell university, 1946
Incluso in > Bulletin of the Agricultural experiment station / Cornell University, Department of agriculture
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Freedgood, Seymour
The gateway states- New Jersey, New York / by Seymour Freedgood and the editors of Time-Life Books
New York - Time, inc, 1967)
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Freeman, Cynthia
always and forever - Cynthia Freeman . Jove books , New York . 1990 . 403 p.
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Freeman, Joshua
In transit - the transport workers union in New York city, 1933-1966 / Joshua B. Freeman
New York ; Oxford - Oxford University Press, 1989
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Freeman, Joshua
Working-class New York - life and labor since World War 2. / Joshua B. Freeman
New York - New Press, c2000
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Freeman, S. David
Energy - the new era / S. David Freeman.- New York - Walker and company, c1974
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Freiberg, Jack
The Lateran and Clement 8. - New York University, 1988
Ann Arbor, Michigan - UMI, printed in 1997
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Freiheit, James Robert
Neogene paleontology of the Northern Dominican Republic - ?23. ?Strombid gastropods (Genera Strombus and Lobatus; Mollusca- Gastropoda- Strombidae) of the Cibao Valley / James Robert Freiheit and Dana H. Geary
New York - Paleontological Resaerch Institut, 2009
Incluso in > Bulletins of American Paleontology
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