Couture, Maurizio Serenamente - Tempo di minuetto. Per pianoforte Firenze - A. Forlivesi e C., 1957 Musica (stampa) Couture, Maurizio Sul prato giocano i figli della gatta mea - per pianoforte Firenze - A. Forlivesi e C., 1952 (Tip. C. Fedini e F.) Musica (stampa) Couture, Maurizio Tempo di valzer - composizione facile per pianoforte Firenze - A. Forlivesi e C., 1952 (Tip. C. Fedini e F.) Musica (stampa) Couture, Maurizio Tre composizioni per pianoforte / M. Couture Firenze - Forlivesi, 1962 Musica (stampa) Couture, Maurizio Le tre età della signorina Maria Antonietta - Per pianoforte Firenze - A. Forlivesi e C., 1927 Musica (stampa) Couture, Maurizio Tre tempi di stile diverso (allegro-allegro moderato- andante) - per violino e pianoforte Firenze - A. Forlivesi e C., 1950 (Tip. C. Fedini e F.) Musica (stampa) Couza, D. T. (sec. 19.) Romance sans paroles pour le Violon avec accompagn.t de Piano ... - Op. 2 / composée par D. Th. Couza Paris - Prilipp , (tra il 1823 e il 1876) Musica (stampa) Covello, Stephen Facilissimo - 21 giochi e immagini musicali per pianoforte Milano - Ricordi, 1983 Testo Monografico Coverley, Robert Loveliest Garden in the World - Song. Voice and pianoforte. Words by Edward Teschemacher Milan - G. Ricordi e C., 1911 Musica (stampa) Coviello, Ambrose Difficulties of Beethoven pianoforte sonatas - an analysis of common faults in performance, with suggestions for their cure / by Ambrose Coviello London - Oxford University Press - Humphrey Milford Testo Monografico Coviello, Ambrose Sonata in C minor, op. 10, no. 1 / by Ambrose Coviello London - Oxford University Press - Humphrey Milford, 1933 Incluso in > Difficulties of Beethoven pianoforte sonatas - an analysis of common faults in performance, with suggestions for their cure / by Ambrose Coviello Testo Monografico Coviello, Ambrose Sonata in C, op. 2, no. 3 / by Ambrose Coviello London - Oxford University Press - Humphrey Milford, 1933 Incluso in > Difficulties of Beethoven pianoforte sonatas - an analysis of common faults in performance, with suggestions for their cure / by Ambrose Coviello Testo Monografico Coviello, Ambrose Sonata in G, op. 31, no. 1 / by Ambrose Coviello London - Oxford University Press - Humphrey Milford, 1935 Incluso in > Difficulties of Beethoven pianoforte sonatas - an analysis of common faults in performance, with suggestions for their cure / by Ambrose Coviello Testo Monografico Coward, Noël This year of grace - pianoforte selection / Noël Coward ; °selected and arranged by H. M. Higgs London - Chappell, ©1928 Musica (stampa) Cowen, Frederic Hymen 1 - Stately dance / composed by F. H. Cowen ; arranged for pianoforte and stringed instruments by John E. West London - Novello, ©1898 Incluso in > Four English dances in the olden style / composed by F. H. Cowen ; arranged for pianoforte and stringed instruments by John E. West Musica (stampa) |