seguito Pittura
[pagina inizio voce]
Conzen, Ina
Picasso - Badende / Ina Conzen ; mit Beitragën von Anke Spötter, Guido Messling
Stuttgart - Staatgalerie Stuttgart, ©2005
Testo Monografico
Cook, Albert
Temporalizing space - the triumphant strategies of Piero della Francesca / Albert Cook
New York etc. - P. Lang, ©1992
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Cook, Beryl
One man show / Beryl Cook
London - Book club associates, 1981
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Cook, Robert Manuel
Greek painted pottery / R. M. Cook
London and New York - Routledge, 1997
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Cook, Walter William Spencer
La pintura romanica sobre tabla en Cataluña / por Walter W.S. Cook
Madrid - Instituto Diego Velasquez, del Consejo superior de investigaciones cientificas, 1960
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Cooke, Hereward Lester
(8)- British painting in the National Gallery of Art / by Hereward Lester Cooke
Washington - Publications Fund national Gallery of Art, c1960
Incluso in > Ten schools of paintings in the National Gallery of Art Washington, D. C
Testo Monografico
Coomaraswamy, Ananda K.
Rajput painting - being an account of the Hindu paintings of Rajasthan and the Panjab Himalayas from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century described in their relation to contemporary thought / with texts and translations by Ananda Coomaraswamy ; foreword by Karl J. Khandalavala
Delhi etc. - Motilal Banarsidass, 1976
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Cooper, Douglas
The cubist epoch / Douglas Cooper
London - Phaidon Press, 1970
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Cooper, Douglas
Nicolas de Staël / Douglas Cooper
Bergamo - Ist. italiano d'arti grafiche, 1967
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Cooper, Martha
Subway art / Martha Cooper, Henry Chalfant
Milano - L'ippocampo, c2009
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Cooper, Tracy E.
Prolegomenon to a quarrel of images / Tracy E. Cooper
Cambridge, Massachusetts - Harvard University Art Museums, 2001
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Coordinamento provinciale per la promozione dell'arte contemporanea (Forlì-Cesena)
Tracce del Novecento - pittura italiana nella rete museale cesenate e forlivese / Coordinamento provinciale per la promozione dell'arte contemporanea
(Forlì - edizioni d'Arte Coinè, 2006 )
Testo Monografico
Copedè, Maurizio
Il restauro delle opere cartacee - un approccio alle diverse tipologie di oggetti / Maurizio Copedè
Firenze - (Istituto per l'arte e il restauro Palazzo Spinelli), 1993
Testo Monografico
Copertini, Giovanni
Odoardo Gherardi
Parma - Tip. La Bodoniana, 1963
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Copertini, Giovanni
La pittura parmense dell'Ottocento / Giovanni Copertini ; a cura di Giuseppina Allegri Tassoni
Milano - Silvana editoriale d'arte, (197.
Testo Monografico