Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Poesia (A-LIS)

Pagina nr. 4713 di 5334       

Hymnes / Homere ; texte etabli et traduit par Jean Humbert
Paris - Les belles lettres, 1976
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Hymnes / Homère ; texte etabli par Jean Humbert
Paris - Les belles lettres, 1937
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3- Hymni Homerici accedentibus Epigrammatis et Batrachomyomachia Homero vulgo attributis / ex recensione Augusti Baumeister
Lipsiae - in aedibus B.G. Teubneri, 1888
Incluso in > Homeri carmina / ex recensione Augusti Baumeister
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The Iliad / Homer ; with an English translation by A. T. Murray
Cambridge (Mass.) - Harvard University press ; London - Heinemann
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Iliad / Homer ; with an English translation by A. T. Murray revised by William F. Wyatt
Cambridge, Mass. - London - Harvard university press
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The Iliad and Odyssey / of Homer ; translated by Alexander Pope ; edited by H. F. Cary ; with a biographical notice of the author
London ; New York - G. Routledge, (18..)
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7- The Iliad of Homer - books 1-9 / translated by Alexander Pope ; edited by Maynard Mack ; associate editors Norman Callan... ed altri
London - Methuen ; New Haven - Yale University Press, 1967
Incluso in > The Twickenham edition of the Poems of Alexander Pope
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8- The Iliad of Homer - books 10-24 / translated by Alexander Pope ; edited by Maynard Mack ; associate editors Norman Callan... ed altri
London - Methuen ; New Haven - Yale University Press, 1967
Incluso in > The Twickenham edition of the Poems of Alexander Pope
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Iliad. Book 1 / Homer ; with notes and vocabulary by P. A. Draper
Ann Arbor - The University of Michigan press, ©2002
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Iliad. Book 22 / Homer ; edited by Irene J. F. de Jong
Cambridge (etc.) - Cambridge university press, 2012
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Iliad. Book nine / Homer ; edited by J. Griffin
Oxford - Clarendon press, 1995
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Iliad. Book one / Homer ; edited with an introduction, translation and commentary by Simon Pulleyn
Oxford - Oxford university press, ©2000
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Iliada Gomera / perevod" N. M. Minskago
Moskva - Tipo-litografija V. Rihter", 1896
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L' Iliade / (Omero) ; nella traduzione di Vincenzo Monti ; con introduzione, cartine, sommario, note e dizionarietto di Carmine Pacia
Torino - Petrini, 1950
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Iliade / (Omero) episodi scelti e tradotti da Salvatore Quasimodo ; con 26 tavole di Giorgio De Chirico
Firenze - Nadini, 1982
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