Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinato per Autore) su:
Poesia (NOB-Z) (keyword)

Pagina nr. 1387
1-100- 200-300- 400-500- 600-700- 800-900- 1000-1100- 1200-1300- 1400-1500- 1600-1700- 1800-1900-2000-2142


Smith, Albert James
The methaphysics of love - studies in Renaissance love poetry from Dante to Milton / A. J. Smith
Cambridge (ecc.) - Cambridge university press, 1985
Saggio Monografico

Smith, Colin
La creacion del Poema del mio Cid / Colin Smith
Barcelona - Critica, 1985
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Smith, Eric
I cinque anatroccoli / testo di Melanie Gerth ; illustrazioni di Eric Smith
San Dorligo della Valle - Emme, c2005
Saggio Monografico

Smith, Eric
A dictionary of classical reference in English poetry / Eric Smith
Cambridge - Brewer, c1984
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Smith, Graham
The stone of Dante and Later Florentine celebrations of the poet / Graham Smith
Firenze - L. S. Olschki, 2000
Saggio Monografico

Smith, Grover Cleveland
T. S. Eliot and the use of memory / Grover Smith
Lewisburg - Bucknell University Press ; London - Associated University Presses, c1996
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Smith, Hallett
Elizabethan poetry - a study in conventions, meaning, and expression / Hallett Smith
Ann Arbor - UMI, stampa 1999
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Smith, James Cruickshanks (1867-1949)
A study of Wordsworth / by J. C. Smith
Edinburgh ; London - Oliver & Boyd, 1958
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Smith, James Harry
The reading of poetry / by James Harry Smith ; with an introduction of Robert M. Gay
Boston - Houghton Mifflin, c1939
Saggio Monografico

Smith, Malcolm (1941-1994)
Joachim du Bellay?s veiled victim - with an edition of the Xenia, seu illustrium quorundam hominum allusiones / Malcolm Smith
Geneve - Droz, 1974
Saggio Monografico

Smith, Malcolm (1941-1994)
Ronsard & Du Bellay versus Beze - allusiveness in Renaissance literary texts / Malcolm C. Smith
Geneve - Librairie Droz, 1995
Saggio Monografico

Smith, Martha Nell
Rowing in Eden - rereading Emily Dickinson / Martha Nell Smith
Austin - University of Texas Press, 1992
Saggio Monografico

Smith, Ole L.
The Byzantine Achilleid - the Naples version / introduction, critical edition and commentary by Ole L. Smith ; edited and prepared for publication by Panagiotis A. Agapitos and Karin Hult
Wien - Der osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1999
Saggio Monografico

Smith, Patti
Poesia / Patti Smith ; una seleccion de Benjamin Prado
Vitoria Gasteiz - Bassarai, 2008
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Smith, Patti
Poesie / Patti Smith ; introduzione di Michele L. Straniero ; cura e traduzione di Marina Morbiducci
Roma - Newton Compton, 1980
Saggio Monografico

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