Ward, John Powell
The English line - poetry of the unpoetic from Wordsworth to Larkin / John Powell Ward
Basingstoke - Macmillan, 1991
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Ward, John Powell
Poetry and the sociological idea / J. P. Ward
Brighton - Harvester press ; Atlantic Highlands - Humanities press, 1981
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Warder, Anthony Kennedy
Indian kavya literature / A. K. Warder
Delhi (etc.) - Motilal Banarsidass
Saggio Monografico
Warning, Rainer
Lekturen romanischer Lyrik - von den Trobadors zum Surrealismus / Rainer Warning
Freiburg im Breisgau - Rombach, c1997
Saggio Monografico
Warton, Thomas
History of English poetry from the Twelth to the Close of Sixteenth Century / Ed. by W. Carew Hazlitt
New York - Haskell House Publishers Ltd., 1970
Saggio Monografico
Watkin, E. I.
Poets and mystics / by E. I. Watkin
London ; New York, 1953
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Watson, Wilfred G. E.
Classical Hebrew poetry - a guide to its techniques / Wilfred G. E. Watson
Sheffield - Sheffield Academic Press, 1995
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Watson, Wilfred G. E.
Traditional techniques in classical Hebrew verse / Wilfred G. E. Watson
Sheffield - Sheffield academic press, c1994
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Weber, Gregor
Dichtung und hofische Gesellschaft - die Rezeption von Zeitgeschichte am Hof der ersten drei Ptolemaer / Gregor Weber
Stuttgart - Steiner, 1993
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Weber, Henri
Tome 1- Dix etudes sur la poesie / Henri Weber
Paris - Nizet, 1985
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Weber, Jean-Paul
Genese de l'oeuvre poetique / par Jean-Paul Weber
Paris - Gallimard, 1960
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Webster, Michael
Reading visual poetry after futurism - Marinetti, Apollinaire, Schwitters, Cummings / Michael Webster
New York etc. - P. Lang, c1995
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Weidle, Wladimir
La poesia pura / W. Weidle ; con una nota di Giancarlo Vigorelli
Padova - Cedam, 1944
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Weinberg, Gustav
Das franzosische Schaferspiel in der ersten Halfte des siebzehnten Jahrhunderts / von Gustav Weinberg
Frankfurt - G. Knauer, 1884
Saggio Monografico
Weipert, Reinhard
Classical Arabic philology and poetry - a bibliographical handbook of important editions from 1960 to 2000 / by Reinhard Weipert
Leiden (etc.) - Brill, 2002
Saggio Monografico