Willey, Basil
The seventeenth century background - studies in the thought of the age in relation to poetry and religion / by Basil Willey
London - Chatto & Windus, 1950
Saggio Monografico
Williams, Bernard Arthur Owen
Shame and necessity / Bernard Williams
Berkeley etc. - University of California, c1993, stampa 1994
Saggio Monografico
Williams, David (12/02/39- )
Cain and Beowulf - a study in secular allegory / David Williams
Toronto (etc.) - University of Toronto press, c1982
Saggio Monografico
Williamson, George
The Donne tradition - a study in English poetry from Donne to the death of Cowley
New York - Noonday Press, 1958
Saggio Monografico
Williamson, George
A reader?s guide to the metaphysical poets - John Donne, George Herbert, Richard Crashaw, Abraham Cowley, Henry Vaughan, Andrew Marvell / George Williamson
London - Thames and Hudson, 1968
Saggio Monografico
Wills, Jeffrey
Repetition in Latin poetry - figures of allusion / Jeffrey Wills
Oxford - Clarendon press, 1996
Saggio Monografico
Wilpert, Gero - von
Erstausgaben deutscher Dichtung - eine Bibliographie zur deutschen Literatur, 1600-1990 / Gero von Wilpert und Adolf Guhring ; wissenschaftliche Beratung Harro Kieser ; Redaktion Beate Mnich
Stuttgart - A. Kroner, 1992
Saggio Monografico
Winn, James Anderson
Unsuspected eloquence - a history of the relations between poetry and music / James Anderson Winn
New Haven and London - Yale University Press, 1981
Saggio Monografico
Wiskowatyj, Konstanty
Poglosy historji polskiej w epice jugoslowianskiej - (proba historycznego badania epiki ludowej serbow, chorwatow i slowencow) / Konstanty Wiskowatyj ; z przedmowa Macieja Murki ; w jezyku polskim wydane pod redakcja Marjana Szyjkowskiego
V Praze - Orbis, 1933
Saggio Monografico
Wissig Baving, Gabriele
Die Anrede an das Buch in der romischen Dichtung - Studien zum Verhaltnis des Dichters zu seinem Werk / Gabriele Wissig-Baving
Frankfurt am Main (etc.) - Peter Lang, c1991
Saggio Monografico
Witke, Charles
Numen litterarum - the old and the new in Latin poetry from Constantine to Gregory the Great / by Charles Witke
Leiden ; Koln - E. J. Brill, 1971
Saggio Monografico
Wolska-Conus, Barbara
Poezja polityczna czasow pierwszego rozbioru i sejmu delegacyjnego, 1772-1775 /Barbara Wolska
(Wroclaw) - Zaklad narodowy im. Ossolinskich, 1982
Saggio Monografico
Woodberry, George Edward
The inspiration of poetry / by George Edward Woodberry
New York - The Macmillan Company, 1910
Saggio Monografico
Woodring, Carl
Politics in English romantic poetry / Carl Woodring
Cambridge, Mass.
Saggio Monografico
Woof, Robert
English poetry, 850-1850 - the first thousand years / Robert Woof, Stephen Hebron with Pamela Woof
Grasmere - The Wordsworth Trust, 2000
Saggio Monografico