Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Poeti

Pagina nr. 3381 di 5171       

Kelly, Douglas
The arts of poetry and prose / by Douglas Kelly
Turnhout - Brepols, 1991
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Kelly, Douglas
Medieval imagination - rhetoric and the poetry of courtly love / Douglas Kelly
Madison - University of Wisconsin Press, 1978
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Kelly, Douglas
The subtle shapes of invention - poetic imagination in medieval French literature / Douglas Kelly
Louvain ; Paris ; Walpole - Peeters, 2011
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Kelly, Linda
Irelands minstrel - a life of Tom Moore - poet, patriot and Byrons friend / Linda Kelly
London (etc.) - I.B. Tauris, 2006
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Kelso, Ruth
Girolamo Fracastoro Naugerius, sive De poetica dialogus / with an english translation by Ruth Kelso, and an introduction by Murray W. Bundy
Urbana - University of Illinois, 1924
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Kemal, Salim
The Philosophical Poetics of Alfarabi, Avicenna and Averroës - the Aristotelian Reception / Salim Kemal
London ; New York - RoutldgeCurzon, 2003
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Kemball, Robin
Alexander Blok - a study in rhythm and metre / by Robin Kemball
The Hague etc. - Mouton, 1965
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Kemedjio, Cilas
Glissant's Africas- from departmentalization to the poetics of relation / Cilas Kemedjio
Incluso in > Research in African literatures
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Kemeny, Tomaso
L' arte di non morire - saggi di anglistica e interventi di poetica / Tomaso Kemeny
Pasian di Prato - Campanotto, 2000
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Kemp, John C.
Robert Frost and New England - the poet as regionalist / John C. Kemp
Princeton - Princeton university press, c1979
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Kemper, Hans-Georg
Georg Trakls Entwurfe - Aspekte zu ihrem Verstandnis / Hans-Georg Kemper
Tubingen - Niemeyer, 1970
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Kendall, Ritchie D.
The drama of dissent - the radical poetics of nonconformity, 1380-1590 / Ritchie D. Kendall
Chapel Hill ; London - The University of North Carolina Press, 1986
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Kendall, Timothy
Modern English War Poetry / Tim Kendall
Oxford - Oxford University press, 2006
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Kenesei, Andrea
Poetry translation through reception and cognition- the proof of translation is in the reading / by Andrea Kenesei
Cambridge - Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010
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Kennan, Patricia
Sidney defending poetry / Patricia Ann Kennan
Bari - Adriatica, 1990
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