Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Poeti

Pagina nr. 3388 di 5171       

Kidwell, Carol
Marullus - soldier poet of the Renaissance / Carol Kidwell
London - Duckworth, 1989
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Kidwell, Carol
Pontano - poet & prime minister / Carol Kidwell
London - Duckworth, 1991
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Kidwell, Carol
Pontano, poet & prime minister / Carol Kidwell
London - Duckworth, 1991
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Kienzle, Michael
Der Erfolgsroman - zur Kritik seiner poetischen Okonomie bei Gustav Freytag und Eugenie Marlitt / Michael Kienzle
Stuttgart - Metzler, 1975
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Kiernan, Victor G.
Horace - poetics and politics / V. G. Kiernan
Houndmills, Basingstoke ; London - MacMillan, ©1999
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Kiernan, Victor G.
Shakespeare - poet and citizen / Victor Kiernan
London ; New York - Verso, 1993
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Kiewitz, Susanne
Poetische Rheinlandschaft - die Geschichte des Rheins in der Lyrik des 19. Jahrhunderts / Susanne Kiewitz
Koln etc. - Bohlau, 2003
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Kihnej, Ljubov' Gennad'evna
Akmeizm - miroponimanie i poetika / L. G. Kihnej
Moskva - MAKS-Press, c.2001
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Kihnej, Ljubov' Gennad'evna
Osip Mandel'štam- filosofija slova i poeticeskaja semantika - monografija / L. G. Kihnej, E. V. Merkel'
Moskva - Flinta - Nauka, 2013
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Kijima, Hajime
Responses magnetic - selected poems / Kijima Hajime ; illustrated by the poet ; translated by the poet and Arthur Binard ... (ed altri)
Santa Fe, Honolulu - Katydid books, ©1996
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Killingsworth, M. Jimmie
Whitman's poetry of the body - sexuality, politics, and the text / M. Jimmie
Chapel Hill - University of North Carolina Press, c1989
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Killough, Howard P.
The beginning creators copyright manual - a practical guide for authors, poets, composers, programmers, playwrights, artists, and photographers, in ordinary language / H. P. (Pat) Killough
Detroit - Harlo, c1988
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Kilpatrick, Ross Stuart
The poetry of criticism - Horace, Epistles 2. and Ars poetica / Ross S. Kilpatrick
Alberta, Canada - The University of Alberta Press, c1990
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Kilpatrick, Ross Stuart
The poetry of friendship - Horace, Epistles 1 / Ross S. Kilpatrick
Alberta - The University of Alberta Press, 1986
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Kim, Jaihiun
The contemporary Korean poets - Korean poetry since 1920 / translated with an introduction by Kim Jaihiun
New York - Larchwood publ., 1980
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