Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Poeti

Pagina nr. 3390 di 5171       

King, Katherine Callen
Achilles in classical poetry- Homer through Vergil / Katherine Callen King
Ann Arbor - UMI, stampa 1981
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King, P. K.
Dawn poetry in the Netherlands / P. K. King
Amsterdam - Athenaeum-Polak & Van Gennep, 1971
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King, Peter R.
Nine contemporary poets - a critical introduction / P. R. King
London ; New York - Methuen, 1979
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King, William (1663-1712)
An historical account of the Heathen Gods and Heroes, necessary for the understanding of the ancient poets / with an intr. by H. R. Williamson
London - Ce press, 1965
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King, William (1663-1712)
An historical account of the heathen gods and heroes; necessary for the understanding of the ancient poets. ... By dr. King
London - printed for Bernard Lintott, at the cross-keys, between the two temple gates in Fleetstreet
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King, William (1663-1712)
An historical account of the heathen Gods and heroes; necessary for the understanding of the ancient poets. Being an improvement of whatever has been hitherto written, by the Greek, Latin, French, and English authors, upon that subject. By dr. King
London - printed for Bernard Lintot, at the Cross-keys, between the two Temple Gates in Fleet-street, 1722
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King, William (1663-1712)
The Poetical works of dr. William King in two volumes. With a life of the author
Edinburg - at the Apollo Press, by the Martins, 1781
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King-Hele, Desmond
Erasmus Darwin and the romantic poets / Desmond King-Hele
New York - St. Martin's press, 1986
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Kingsley, Charles
Alton Locke - tailor and poet / Charles Kingsley
London - Dent ; New York - Dutton, (1910)
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Kingsley, Charles
Alton Locke - tailor and poet / Charles Kingsley ; ed. by Herbert van Thal with an introd. by David Lodge
London - Cassell, 1969
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Kingsley, Charles
Alton Locke - tailor and poet / Charles Kingsley ; introd. by Thomas Byrom
London - Dent ; New York - Dutton, 1970
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Kingsley, Charles
Alton Locke - tailor and Poet - an autobiography / by Charles Kingsley
Leipzig - B. Tauchnitz, 1857
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Kingsley, Charles
Alton Locke - tailor and poet - an autobiography / Charles Kingsley ; edited by Elizabeth A. Cripps
Oxford ; New York - Oxford University Press, 1983
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Kingsley, Charles
Alton locke - tailor and poet an autobiograpby / by Charles Kinglsley ; illustrated by J. E. Sutcliffe
London - Collins' Clear-Type press, 1909
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Kingsley, Charles
Alton Locke ; tailor and poet - an autobiography / by Charles Kingsley
London - Macmillan, 1889
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