(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Poeti |
Pagina nr. 4275 di 5171 |
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, , 1779 Incluso in > The works of the English poets. With prefaces, biographical and critical, by Samuel Johnson Testo Monografico Pope, Alexander , , 1779 Incluso in > The works of the English poets. With prefaces, biographical and critical, by Samuel Johnson Testo Monografico Pope, Alexander , , 1779 Incluso in > The works of the English poets. With prefaces, biographical and critical, by Samuel Johnson Testo Monografico Pope, Alexander Alexander Pope - selected poetry & prose / edited with an introduction by William K. Wimsatt, jr New York (etc.) - Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1964 Testo Monografico Pope, Alexander The art of sinking in poetry - Martinus Scriblerus'?Peri bathous / a critical edition by Edna Leake Steeves, with bibliographical notes on "The last volume" of the Swift-Pope Miscellanies by R. H. Griffith and E. L. Steeves New York - Russell & Russell, 1968 Testo Monografico Pope, Alexander The beauties of Pope - selection from his poetical and prose works / by A. Howard London - Lond. & c., (1834 ) Testo Monografico Pope, Alexander Alexandri pope ... Commentatio poetica de homine, ex anglico idiomate in latinum translata, et carmine heroico expressa, notisque subjunctis illustrata, per Jo. Joach. Gottlob Am-Ende Lugduni Batavorum - apud Cornelium de Pecker, 1751 Testo Monografico Pope, Alexander The complete poetical works of Alexander Pope - with life New York - Crowell, (188.) Testo Monografico Pope, Alexander Essai sur l'homme, poeme philosophique par Alexandre Pope, en cinq langues, savoir; anglois, latin, italien, francois & allemand A Amsterdam - chez Zacharie Chatelain, libraire, 1762 Testo Monografico Pope, Alexander (An essay on man / Alexander Pope) Testo Monografico Pope, Alexander The last and greatest art - some unpublished poetical manuscripts of Alexander pope / transcribed and edited by Maynard Mack Testo Monografico Pope, Alexander Martinus Scriblerus's Peri Bathous or The art of sinking in poetry / Alexander Pope London ; Richmond - Oneworld classics, 2009 Testo Monografico Pope, Alexander Poema Alexandri Pope De homine, Jacobi Thomson, & Thomae Gray selecta carmina, ex Britanna in Latinam linguam translata a Joanne Costa in Seminario Patavino academiae praeceptore, cum nonnullis ejusdem poeticis scriptoribus Patavii - typis Seminarii, 1775 Testo Monografico Pope, Alexander The poetical works / edited by A. W. Ward London - Macmillan, 1911 Testo Monografico Pope, Alexander Poetical works / edited by H. Davis London etc. - Oxford university press, 1974 Testo Monografico |