(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Poeti |
Pagina nr. 4467 di 5171 |
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The Quarrel between philosophy and poetry - studies in ancient thought / Stanley Rosen New York ; London - Routledge, 1993 Testo Monografico Rosenbach, Johann Wilhelm Iobus ligatus Hoc est, paraphrasis poetica historić diui Iobi, viri illius in omnibus ferme afflictionum generibus probatissimi ac patientissimi- omnibus omnino tam summć quam infimć sortis hominibus, in postremis hisce, & quidem exulceratis, calamitosis ac turbulentis immundi mundi temporibus, lectu apprime vtilis atque iucunda. Elegiaco carminis genere reddita, et nunc primum lucem edita, per Ioannem Guilielmum Rosabachium.. Hanouić - apud hćredes Guilielmi Antonii, 1613 Testo Monografico Rosenberg, Isaac The collected works of Isaac Rosenberg - poetry, prose, letters, paintings and drawings / edited with an introduction and notes by Ian Parsons ; with a foreword by Siegfried Sassoon London - Chatto & Windus, 1979 Testo Monografico Rosenberg-Orsini, Justine Wynne Les Morlaques roman historique, descriptis, et poëtique en prose. Á Catherine 2. impératrice de toute les Russies, par J. Wynne comtesse des Ursins et Rosenberg, et B. B Á Modčne - Société typographiques, 1788 Testo Monografico Rosenberger, Nicole Poetik des Ungefugten - zur Darstellung von Krieg und Verfolgung in Ilse Aichingers Roman Die grossere Hoffnung / Nicole Rosenberger Wien - Braumuller, c1998 Testo Monografico Rosenblatt, Joe Poetry hotel - selected poems 1963-85 / Joe Rosenblatt Toronto - McClelland and Stewart, c1985 Testo Monografico Rosenblatt, Jon Sylvia Plath - the poetry of initiation / by Jon Rosenblatt Chapel Hill - University of North Carolina Press, c1979 Testo Monografico Rosenblum, Dolores Christina Rossetti - the poetry of endurance / Dolores Rosenblum Carbondale ; Edwardsville - Southern Illinois University press, c1986 Testo Monografico Rosendorfer, Herbert Mitteilungen aus dem poetischen Chaos - römische Geschichten / Herbert Rosendorfer Koln - Kiepenheuer & Witsch, c1991 Testo Monografico Rosenfeld, Emmy Neue Studien zur Lyrik von Friedrich von Spee / Emmy Rosenfeld Milano ; Varese - Istituto editoriale cisalpino, 1963 Testo Monografico Rosenfeld-Loffler, Annette La poetique d'Empedocle - cosmologie et metaphore / Annette Rosenfeld-Loffler Bern (etc.) - P. Lang, (2006) Testo Monografico Rosenheim, Edward Weil What happens in literature - a guide to poetry, drama and fiction / by Edward W. Rosenheim, Jr Chicago - University of Chicago press, 1960 Testo Monografico Rosenkranz, Karl Die Poesie und ihre Geschichte - eine Entwicklung der poetischen Ideale der Völker / von Dr. Karl Rosenkranz, Königl. geheimen Kath .. Königsberg - Gebrüder Bomtrager, 1855 Testo Monografico Rosenmeyer, Patricia A. The poetics of imitation - Anacreon and the anacreontic tradition / Patricia A. Rosenmeyer Cambridge ecc. - Cambridge University press, 1992 Testo Monografico Rosenstein, Roy Ioucus amoenus - love, play and poetry in Troubadour lyric / Roy S. Rosenstein Ann Arbour (MI) etc. - University microfilms international, 1980 Testo Monografico |