Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Poeti

Pagina nr. 4762 di 5171       

Steunou, Jacqueline
Bibliografia de los cancioneros castellanos del siglo 15. y repertorio de sus generos poeticos / par Jacqueline Steunou et Lothar Knapp
Paris - Editions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique, 1975-
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Stevanin, Silvio
Il principe degli elegiaci latini - Albio Tibullo - uno sguardo all'ambiente, Albio Tibullo a specchio della sua poesia, Lievi Ombre nella luce poetica, Musa delicata ed ardente / Silvio Stevanin
Vicenza - Off. Tip. Vicentina, 1929
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Stevanoni, Cristina
Le traduzioni di poesia latina di Costantino Theotokis / Cristina Stevanoni
Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n. , 1972
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Stevens, John
Music & poetry in the Early Tudor Court
Cambridge - Cambridge University press, 1979
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Stevens, John
Music & poetry in the early Tudor court / John Stevens
London - Mathuen and Co., 1961
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Stevens, John
Music & poetry in the Early Tudor Court / John Stevens
London - Cambridge University Press, ©1979
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Stevens, John E.
Music & poetry in the early Tudor Court
London - Methuen, 1961
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Stevens, John Edgar
Music & Poetry in the Early Tudor Court / John Stevens
Cambridge etc. - Cambridge University Press, c1979
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Stevens, John Edgar
Music and poetry in the early Tudor Court / John Stevens
Cambridge - Cambridge University Press, 1979
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Stevens, Peter
Dorothy Livesay - patterns in a poetic life / Peter Stevens
Toronto - ECW Press, c1992
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Stevens, Peter
Modern english-canadian poetry - a guide to information sources / Peter Stevens
Detroit - Gale research, c1978
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Stevens, Wallace
Collected poetry and prose / Wallace Stevens ; a cura di Frank Kermode e Joan Richardson
New York - Literary Classics of the United States, c1997
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Stevenson, Burton Egbert
The home book of modern verse - an extension of The home book of verse, being a selection from American and English poetry of the twentieth century / compiled and arranged by Burton Egbert Stevenson
New York - Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1953
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Stevenson, Jane
Women latin poets - language, gender, and authority, from antiquity to the eighteenth century / Jane Stevenson
Oxford - Oxford University Press, 2005
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Stevenson, John Andrew (1761-1833)
Flow on thou shining river - the celebrated duet / poetry by Thomas Moore ; arranged from a portuguese air by Sir John Stevenson
London - Howard & C., (18..)
Musica (stampa)