Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Poeti

Pagina nr. 5117 di 5171       

Wyatt, Thomas
The poetical works of sir Thomas Wyatt
London . W. Pickering, 1831
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Wyatt, Thomas
The poetical works of sir Thomas Wyatt
London - Bell and Daldy, (1866 )
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Wyatt, Thomas
The poetical works of sir Thomas Wyatt / edited with memoir by James Yeowell
London - Bell, 1904
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Wyatt, Thomas
The poetry of Sir Thomas Wyatt - a selection and a study / by E. M. W. Tillyard
London - The Scholartis Press, 1929
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Wyder, Hansuli
Gottlieb Wilhelm Rabener - Poetische Welt und Realitat - Abhandlung zur Erlangung der Doktorwurde der Philosophischen Fakultat I der Universitat Zurich / vorgelegt von Hansuli Wyder
Zurich - Emil Ruegg, 1953
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Wyk Smith, Malvern - van
Drummer Hodge - the poetry of the anglo-boer war (1899-1902) / M. van Wyk Smith
Oxford - Clarendon press, 1978
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Wyka, Kazimierz
Cyprian norwid - Poeta i sztkmistrz
Kraków - Nakl. Polskiej Akademii Umiejetnosci, 1948
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Wyka, Kazimierz
Wsrod poetow / Kazimierz Wyka ; wybor Marta Wyka ; wstep Marian Stala
Krakow - Wyd. Literackie, 2000
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Wyka, Marta
Galczynski a wzory literackie / Marta Wyka
Warszawa - Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1970
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Wyndham, George
Ronsard and la Pleiade - with selections from their poetry and some translations in the original metres / by George Wyndham
London - Macmillan, 1906
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Wyspianski, Stanislaw
Warszawianka - piesn z roku 1831 / napisal Stanislaw Wyspianski ; opracowal oraz zyciorysem poety i wstepem opatrzyl Juliusz Saloni
(Warszawa) - Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, (1947)
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Wyspianski, Stanislaw
Wyzwolenie - dramat w trzech aktach / napisal Stanislaw Wyspianski ; opracowal oraz zyciorysem poety i wstepem opatrzyl Juliusz Saloni
(Warszawa) - Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, (1947)
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Wékey, Sigismund
A grammar of the hungarian language - with appropriate exercises, a copious vocabulary and specimens of hungarian poetry / by Sigismund Wekey
London - Trelawny Saunders, 1852
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Wéyland, Walter Guido
Poetas coloniales de la Argentina - antología / prólogo, selección y notas de W. G. Wéyland
Buenos Aires - Estrada, 1949
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Wöbbeking, Richard
De anaphorae apud poetas latinos usu / dissertatio inauguralis quam ... scripsit Ricardus Wobbeking
Marpurgi Cattorum - Typis Roberti Noske Bornensis, 1910
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