Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Politica (A-KIS)

Pagina nr. 1220 di 5334       

Boulloche, André
The sciences and democratic government - highlights of the fourth parliamentary and scientific conference, Florence, 1975 / compiled and presented by André Boulloche, Klaus Richter and Kenneth Warrwn
London - Macmillan, 1976
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Boulton, James T.
The language of politics in the age of Wilkes and Burke / by James T. Boulton
London - Routledge & Kegan ; Toronto - University of Toronto, 1963
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Boulton, James T.
The language of politics in the age of Wilkes and Burke / by James T. Boulton
Westport, Conn. - Greenwood press, 1975
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Boulton, James T.
The language of politics in the age of Wilkes and Burke / by James T. Boulton
London ; New York - Routledge, 2010
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Boumaza, Bechir
Né ayatollah, né emiri - le origini di un conflitto politico-culturale e l'attualità della guerra tra Iraq e Iran / Bechir Boumaza
Milano - Jaca book, 1981
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Bounds, Philip
Orwell and marxism - the political and cultural thinking of George Orwell / Philip Bounds
London ; New York - I. B. Tauris, 2009
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Bouquin, Henri
Comptabilite de gestion / Henri Bouquin
Paris - Dalloz, 1993
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Bourantonis, Dimitris
The history and politics of UN Security Council reform / Dimitris Bourantonis
London (etc.) - Routledge, 2005
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Bourassa, Robert
Gouverner le Québec / Robert Bourassa
Québec - Fides, c1995
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Bourdais, Henri
La J.O.C. sous l'occupation allemande / témoignages et souvenirs d'Henri Bourdais
Paris - Les Éditions de l'Atelier - Éditions Ouvrières, 1995
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Bourdet, Yvon
Qu'est-ce qui fait courir les militants - analyse sociologique des motivations et des comportements / Yvon Bourdet
Paris - Stock, 1976
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Bourdet, Yvon
Teoria politica dell'autogestione / Yvon Bourdet ; introduzione di Michele La Rosa
Roma - Nuove edizioni operaie, 1977
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Bourdet, Yvon
Teoria politica dell'autogestione / Yvon Bourdet ; introduzione di Michele La Rosa
Roma - Nuove edizioni operaie, 1977
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Bourdier, Frédéric
Policies and politics underlying the path for universal access to treatment against AIDS in Cambodia / Frédéric Bourdier
Lund - Centre for East and South-East Asian studies, Lund university, 2006
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Bourdieu, Pierre
Contre-feux - propos pour servir à la résistance contre l'invasion néo-libérale / Pierre Bourdieu
Paris - Liber-Raisons D'Agir, c1998
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