Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Politica (A-KIS)

Pagina nr. 2035 di 5334       

Christ, Johann Friedrich (1700-1756)
Ioh. Frider. Christii De Nicolao Machiavello libri tres in quibus de vita et scriptis item de secta eius viri atque in universum de politica nostrorum post instauratas litteras temporum ex instituto disseritur historiaeque civilis et rei litterariae passim ratio habetur
Prostant Lipsiae et Halae Magdeb. - apud Iohannem Christophorum Krebsium ; Zu Halle - im Durchgange des Rathhauses, 1731
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Christ, Karl
Sozialdemokratie und Volkserziehung - die Bedeutung des Mannheimer Parteitags der SPD im Jahre 1906 für die Entwicklung der Bildunspolitik und Pädagogik der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung vor dem ersten Weltkrieg / Karl Christ
Bern - H. Lang ; Frankfurt/M. - P. Lang, 1975
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Christ, Matthew R.
The bad citizen in classical Athens / Matthew R. Christ
New York - Cambridge university press, c2006
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Christ, Matthew R.
The litigious Athenian / Matthew R. Christ
Baltimore ; London - The Johns Hopkins University Press, ©1998
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Christakis, Kostandinos S.
The politics of storage - storage and sociopolitical complexity in neopalatial Crete / by Kostandinos S. Christakis
Philadelphia - Instap academic press, 2008
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Christensen, Arthur
Politik und Massenmoral - zum Verständnis psychologisch-historicher Grundfragen der modernen Politik / von Arthur Christensen
Berlin - B.G. Teubner, 1912
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Christensen, Bryce J.
Utopia against the family - the problems and politics of the American family / Bryce J. Christensen
San Francisco - Ignatius Press, 1990
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Christensen, Carl C.
Princes and propaganda - electoral saxon art of the Reformation / by Carl C. Christensen
Kirksville, Mo. - Sixteenth century journal publishers, c1992
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Christensen, Terry
Projecting politics - political messages in American films / Terry Christensen and Peter J. Haas
Armonk, N.Y. ; London - M.E. Sharpe, c2005
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Christensen, Terry
Reel politics - American political movies from Birth of a Nation to Platoon / Terry Christensen
New York - Basil Blackwell, ©1987
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Christensen, Thomas J.
Worse than a monolyth - alliance politics and problems of coercive diplomacy in Asia / Thomas J. Christensen
Princeton ; Oxford - Princeton University press, 2011
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Christenson, Reo M.
The Brannan plan - farm politics and policy / by Reo M. Christenson
Ann Arbour - The University of Michigan press, 1959
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Christenson, Reo M.
Challenge and decision - political issues of our time / Reo M. Christenson
New York - Harper & Row, 1964
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Christenson, Ron
Political trials - Gordian knots in the law / Ron Christenson
New Brunswick, N.J. ; Oxford - Transaction Books, 1986
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Christenson, Ron
Political trials- Gordian knots in the law / Ron Christenson
New Brunswick (USA) ; Oxford - Transaction Books, c1986
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