Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Politica (A-KIS)

Pagina nr. 2218 di 5334       

Collins, Neil
Irish politics today / Neil Collins and Terry Cradden
Manchester - Manchester University ; New York - distribuited exclusively in the USA by St. Martin's press, 1997
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Collins, Patricia Hill
Black feminist thought - knowledge, consciousness, and the politics of empowerment / Patricia Hill Collins
New York ; London - Routledge, c1991
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Collins, Patricia Hill
Black feminist thought - knowledge, consciousness, and the politics of empowerment / Patricia Hill Collins
New York ; London - Routledge, c1991
Incluso in > Perspectives on gender / editorial board- Kay Deanux, Myra Marx Ferree, Virginia Sapiro
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Collins, Patricia Hill
Black feminist thought - knowledge, consciousness, and the politics of empowerment / Patricia Hill Collins
New York ; London - Routledge, c2000
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Collins, Patricia Hill
Black sexual politics - African Americans, gender, and the new racism / Patricia Hill Collins
New York ; London - Routledge, 2005
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Collins, Richard C.
America's downtowns - growth, politics & preservation / Richard C. Collins, Elizabeth B. Waters, A. Bruce Dotson for The national trust for historic preservation ; edited by Constance Epton Beaumont
, Washington - The preservation press,c1991
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Collins, Robert M.
The business response to Keynes - 1929-1964 / Robert M. Collins
New York - Columbia University Press, 1981
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Collins, Robert M.
More - the politics of economic growth in postwar America / Robert M. Collins
Oxford - Oxford university press, c2000
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Collins, Robert M.
Transforming America - politics and culture in the Reagan years / Robert M. Collins
New York - Columbia university Press, c2007
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Collins, Robert O.
The waters of the Nile - hydropolitics and the Jonglei canal, 1900-1988 / Robert O. Collins
Princeton - M. Wiener, ©1990
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Collins, Stephen L.
From divine cosmos to sovereign state - an intellectual history of consciousness and the idea of order in renaissance England / Stephen L. Collins
New York ; Oxford - Oxford university press, 1989
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Collinson, Sarah
Shore to shore - the politics of migration in Euro-Maghreb relations / Sarah Collinson
London (etc.) - Royal institute of international affairs, c1996
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Colliot-Thelene, Catherine
Le désenchantement de l'État - de Hegel à Max Weber / Catherine Colliot-Thélène
Paris - Minuit, c 1992
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Collis, David J.
Corporate strategy / David J. Collis, Cynthia A. Montgomery ; edizione italiana a cura di Giorgio Invernizzi ; presentazione di Vittorio Coda
Milano - McGraw-Hill libri Italia, 1999
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Collis, Maurice
The Burmese scene - political, historical, pictorial / by Maurice Collis...
London - J. Crowther, 1943
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