Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Politica (A-KIS)

Pagina nr. 2435 di 5334       

Cope, Zak
Dimensions of prejudice - towards a political economy of bigotry / Zak Cope
Oxford (etc.) - Peter Lang, Š2008
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Copeland, Miles
The game of nations - the amorality of power politics / by Miles Copeland
New York - Simon and Schuster, 1969
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Copeland, Miles
The game of nations - the amorality of power politics / Miles Copeland
London - Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1969
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Copeland, Thomas E.
Teoria della finanza e politiche d'impresa / Thomas E. Copeland, J. Fred Weston
Milano - EGEA - Addison-Wesley Italia, 1994
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Copenhagen Polis Centre
The Polis as an urban centre and as a political community - Acts of the Copenhagen Polis Centre vol. 4, Symposium august, 29-31 1996 / edited by Mogens Herman Hansen
Copenhagen - Munsgaard, 1997
Incluso in > Historisk-filosofiske meddelelser / Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab
Testo Monografico

Copenhagen Polis Centre (4. ; 1996 ; Copenhagen)
The polis as an urban centre and as a political community - Acts of the Copenhagen polis centre vol. 4. - Symposium august, 29-31, 1996 / edited by Mogens Herman Hansen
Copenhagen - The Royal Danish Academy of sciences and letters - Munksgaard, 1997
Incluso in > Historisk-filosofiske meddelelser / Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab
Testo Monografico

Copland, Samuel
A history of the island of Madagascar, comprising a political account of the island, the religion, manners, and customs of its inhabitants, and its natural productions - with an appendix, containing a history of the several attempts to introduce Christianity into the island / Samuel Copland
Westport - Negro universities press, 1970
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Copley, Antony
The political career of C. Rajagopalachari, 1937-1954 - a moralist in politics / A. R. H. Copley
Delhi - MacMillan, 1978
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Coplin, William D.
Introduction to international politics / William D. Coplin
Englewood Cliffs - Prentice Hall, 1980
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Coplin, William D.
introduction to international politics - a theoretical overview / Willian D. Coplin
Chicago - Markham, c1971
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Copoiu, Nicolae
Le socialisme européen et le mouvement ouvrier et socialiste en Roumanie, 1835-1921 / traduit du roumain par Jean-Marie-Pierre Crainicianu
Bucaresti - Editura Academiei Socialiste România, 1973
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Copons y Navia, Francisco - de
Diario llevado por el teniente general don Francisco de Copons y Navia gobernador militar y polėtico de esta plaza, desde que se avistķ el navėo de guerra que traia ā la serenėsima seņora infanta de Nāpoles doņa Luisa Carlotta ..
Barcellona - por d. Antonio Brusi impresor de cāmara de S. M., 1819
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Coppa, Frank J.
Cardinal Giacomo Antonelli and papal politics in European affairs / Frank J. Coppa
Albany - State university of New York press, c1990
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Coppa, Frank J.
Planning, protectionism, and politics in liberal Italy- economics and politics in the Giolittian age / by Frank J. Coppa
Washington (D.C.) - the Catholic university of America press, 1971
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Coppa, Frank J.
The policies and politics of pope Pius 12. - between diplomacy and morality / Frank J. Coppa
New York - Peter Lang, 2011
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