Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Politica (A-KIS)

Pagina nr. 4367 di 5334       

Goslings, Amanda
Trade unions and the dispersion of earnings in UK establishments, 1980-1990 / Amanda Goslings and Stephen Machin
London - London school of economics, Centre of economic performance, 1993
Incluso in > Discussion paper / Centre for economic performance
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Gosnell, Harold Foote
Boss Platt and his New York machine; a study of the political leadership of Thomas C. Platt, Theodore Roosevelt, and others / by Harold F. Gosnell ; with an introd. by Charles E. Merriam
New York, Russell & Russell, 1969
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Gosnell, Harold Foote
Machine politics - Chicago model / Harold F. Gosnell ; foreword by William F. Ogburn
Chicago ; London - University of Chicago press, c1968
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Gosnell, Harold Foote
Negro politicians - the rise of negro politics in Chicago / Harold F. Gosnell ; with an introduction by James Q. Wilson
Chicago, IL ; London - University of Chicago press, 1966
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Gosnell, Harold Foote
Truman's crises - a political biography of Harry S. Truman / Harold F. Gosnell
Westport - Greenwood press, c1980
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Goss, Elsa
Saggi letterari - Virgilio collaboratore di Augusto. Virgilio profeta di Cristo? Dante coscienza eroica d'Italia..
Genova - Libreria Italiana Ed., 1942 (Soc. D'arte Poligrafica)
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Gosselin, Charles-Robert
Reflexions d'un citoyen adressees aux notables sur la question proposee par un grand roi
Paris - Editions d'Histoire Sociale, stampa 1966
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Gosselin, Ronald
Les almanachs republicains - traditions revolutionnaires et culture politique des masses populaires de Paris (1840-1851) / Ronald Gosselin ; preface de Maurice Agulhon ; postface de Michel Vovelle
Paris - L'Harmattan ; Sainte-Foy - Presses de l'Universite Laval, c1992
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Gossen, Hermann Heinrich
Sviluppo delle leggi del commercio umano / traduzione (dal tedesco) e introduzione di Tullio Bagiotti ; (Università commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Milano. Istituto di economia e di Politica economica e finanziaria)
Padova - Cedam, Casa Ed. Dott. A. Milani, 1950 (Tip. La Garangola)
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Gosses, F.
The management of british foreign policy before the first world war especially during the period 1880-1914 / by F. Gross ; translated from the dutch by miss E. C. Van der Gaaf
Leiden - A. W. Sijthoff's Uitgeversmaatschappij, 1948
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Gossweiler, Kurt
La (ir)resistibile ascesa al potere di Hitler - chi furono i burattinai?, chi gli spianò la strada? / Kurt Gossweiler ; a cura di Adriana Chiaia
(Verona) - Zambon, c2009
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Goswami, B. B.
The Mizo unrest - a study of politicisation of culture / B. B. Goswami
Jaipur - Aalekh, 1979. II ; 23 cm, 1979. II
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Goswami, Uddipana
Conflict and reconciliation - the politics of ethnicity in Assam / Uddipana Goswami
London (etc.) - Routledge, 2014
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Got, Ambroise
L' Allemagne à l'œuvre / Ambroise Got
Strasbourg ; Paris - Imprimeire strasbourgeoise, c 1920
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Gothein, Georg
Das Interesse von Handel und Industrie an der internationalen Verständigung / von Georg Gothein
Berlin - Druck von Liebheit & Thiesen, 1917
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