Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Politica (A-KIS)

Pagina nr. 4449 di 5334       

Green, Reginald Herbold
Killing the dream - the political and human economy of war in Sub-Saharan Africa / Reginald Herbold Green
Brighton - IDS publications, 1987
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Green, Reginald Herbold
Unity or poverty - the economics of pan-Africanism / Reginald H. Green and Ann Seidman ; with a foreword by Thomas Hodgkin
Harmondsworth - Penguin books, 1968
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Green, Ricky K.
Voices in Black political thought / Ricky K. Green
New York (etc.) - P. Lang, c2005
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Green, Robert
Ford Madox Ford - prose and politics / Robert Green
Cambridge (etc.) - Cambridge University Press, 1981
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Green, Roy
Classical theories of money, output and inflation - a study in historical economics / Roy Green
Houndmills etc. - Macmillan etc. , 1992
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Green, Stephen
Taking sides - Americas secret relations with a militant Israel - 1948-1967 / Stephen Green
London etc. - Faber and Faber, copyr. 1984
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Green, Steven Joe
Political communications in the soviet media - an analysis of ghannel and patterns of political communication in soviet journals / by Steven Joe Green
Michigan - UUMI, 1986
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Green, Stuart P.
I crimini dei colletti bianchi - mentire e rubare tra diritto e morale / Stuart P. Green ; presentazione di Alberto Alessandri ; edizione italiana a cura di Enrico Basile
Milano - Università Bocconi, 2008
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Green, Thomas Hill
Lectures on the principles of political obligation / by Thomas Hill Green ; with an introduction by Lord Lindsay of Birker
London etc. - Longmans, Green anc Co., 1941
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Green, Thomas Hill
Lectures on the principles of political obligation / Thomas Hill Green
London - Longmans Green
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Green, Thomas Hill
Lectures on the principles of political obligation / Thomas Hill Green
London - Longmans, 1950
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Green, Thomas Hill
Lectures on the principles of political obligation - and other writings / T. H. Green ; edited by Paul Harris and John Morrow
Cambridge etc. - Cambridge university, c1986
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Green, Thomas Hill
L' obbligazione politica / Thomas Hill Green ; saggio introduttivo di Vittorio Frosini
Catania - Giannotta, (1973)
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Green, William C.
Soviet nuclear weapons policy - a research and bibliographic guide / William C. Green
Boulder .etc.. - Westview Press, 1987
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Greenawalt, Kent
Religious convictions and political choice / Kent Greenawalt
New York ; Oxford - Oxford university, 1988
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