Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Politica (A-KIS)

Pagina nr. 4600 di 5334       

Hadfield, Andrew
Shakespeare and Renaissance Politics / Andrew Hadfield
London - Thomson, 2004
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Hadfield, Andrew
Shakespeare and Renaissance politics / Andrew Hadfield
London - Arden Shakespeare, 2004
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Hadfield, Brigid
The Constitution of Northern Ireland / Brigid Hadfield
Belfast - SLS Legal Publications, 1989
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Hadfield, E. C. R.
Pilot guide to political London / E. C. R. Hadfield, J. E. MacColl
London - Pilot press, 1945
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Hadiz, Vedi R.
Workers and the State in New Order Indonesia / Vedi R. Hadiz
London ; New York - Routledge, 1997
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Hadjor, Kofi Buenor
Dictionary of Third world terms / Kofi Buenor Hadjor
London etc. - Penguin books, 1993
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Hadjor, Kofi Buenor
Nkrumah and Ghana - the dilemma of postcolonial power / Kofi Buenor Hadjor
London ; New York - KPI, 1988
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Hadomi, Leah
Dramatic metaphors of fascism and antifascism / Leah Hadomi
Tübingen - M. Niemeyer, 1996
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Hadwiger, Don F.
The politics of agricultural research / Don F. Hadwiger
Lincoln ; London - University of Nebraska Press, c1982
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Hadzi-Vasiljevica, J.
Juzna stara srbja - istorijska, etnografska i politicka istrazivanja / Jov. Hadzi-Vasiljevica
Beograd - nova stamparija Davidovic
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Hadzi-Vasiljevica, J.
Stara Crbija i Macedonija - sa gledista geografskog, istorijskog i politickog / Jov. Hadzi-Vasiljevica
Beograd - stamparija D. Dimitrijevica, 1906
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Hadziomerovic, Hasan
Kratak kurs politicke ekonomije / Hasan Hadziomerovic, Muhamed Hadzic
Sarajevo - Veselin Maslesa, 1960
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Haehling, Raban - von
Die Religionszugehorigkeit der hohen Amtstrager des Romischen Reiches seit Constantins 1. Alleinherrschaft bis zum Ende der Theodosianischen Dynastie - 324-450 bzw. 455 n. Chr. / von Raban von Haehling
Bonn - R. Habelt, 1978
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Haendel, Dan
Foreign investments and the management of political risk / Dan Haendel ; foreword by Amos A. Jordan
Boulder - Westwiew press, 1979
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Haenel, H.G.
Eine Kapitalrentensteuer im Rahmen der Neuordnung der Reichsfinanzen / von H.G. Haenel
Jena - Gustav Fischer, 1919
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