Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Politica (A-KIS)

Pagina nr. 4664 di 5334       

Hartshorn, J. E.
Oil companies and governments - an account of the International Oil Industry in its political environment / J. E. Hartshorn
London - Faber and Faber, 1967
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Hartshorn, J. E.
Oil trade- politics and prospects / J. E. Hartshorn
Cambridge - University press, 1993
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Hartshorn, J. E.
Oil trade- politics and prospects / J. E. Hartshorn
Cembridge (etc.) - Cambridge university press, 2010
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Hartshorn, Jack
An energy policy for EEC / (by Jack Hartshorn)
London - PEP, 1963
Incluso in > Planning / Political and economic planning. -
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Hartung, Fritz
Österreich-Ungarn als Verfassungsstaat / von Fritz Hartung
Halle a. S. - Verlag von M. Niemeyer, 1918
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Hartz, Louis
The liberal tradition in America - an interpretation of American political thought since the Revolution / Louis Hartz
New York - Harcourt, Brace & World, c1955
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Hartz, Louis
The liberal tradition in America - an interpretation of American political thought since the revolution / Louis Hartz ; with an introduction by Tom Wicker
San Diego etc. - Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1991
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Hartz, Louis
La necessite du choix - la pensee politique au 19. siecle / Louis Hartz ; edition etablie et presentee par Paul Roazen ; preface de Benjamin R. Barber ; traduit de l'anglais par Pierre-Emanuel Dauzat
Paris - Presses Universitaires de France, 1995
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Hartz, Louis
La tradizione liberale in America - interpretazione del pensiero politico americano dopo la rivoluzione / Louis Hartz
Milano - Feltrinelli, 1960
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Harvey, Anna Lil
Votes without leverage - women in American electoral politics, 1920-1970 / Anna L. Harvey
Cambridge (etc.) - Cambridge University press, 1998
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Harvey, Charles
Politique du developpement au Botswana - choix et resultats / C. Harvey, S. R. Lewis Jr
Paris - OCDE, 1990
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Harvey, David
La guerra perpetua - analisi del nuovo imperialismo / David Harvey ; traduzione di Giuseppe Barile
Milano - Il saggiatore, (2006)
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Harvey, David
Justice, nature and the geography of difference / David Harvey
Cambridge, MA ; Oxford - Blackwell, 1996
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Harvey, David
The new imperialism / David Harvey
Oxford - Oxford University Press, 2003
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Harvey, David
Spaces of hope / David Harvey
Edinburgh - Edinburgh university, 2000
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