Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Politica (A-KIS)

Pagina nr. 5171 di 5334       

Jenson, Jane
Mitterrand et les françaises - un rendez-vous manqué / Jane Jenson, Mariette Sineau
Paris - Presses de la Fondation nationale des sciences politiques, c 1995
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Jentleson, Bruce W.
With friends like these - Reagan, Bush and Saddam - 1982-1990 / Bruce W. Jentleson
New York (etc.) - W.W. Norton, c1994
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Jentsch, Gerhart
La fine dell'equilibrio europeo / Gerhart Jentsch ; raccolta curata da Agostino Toso
S.l - s.n. , 1941 (Roma - F.Capriotti)
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Jentz, John B.
Chicago in the age of capital - class, politics, and democracy during the civil war and reconstruction / John B. Jentz and Richard Schneirov
Urbana (etc.) - University of Illinois press, c2012
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Jerebtsov, Nikolai Arsenievitch
Un congrès et non la guerre
Paris - Amyot, 1859
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Jerez Mir, Miguel
Business and politics in Spain - from francoism to democracy / by Miguel Jerez Mir
Barcelona - Institut de Ciències Polítiques i Socials, 1992
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Jerez Mir, Miguel
Perceptions of Europe in political and economical elites - a geographical compared analysis of Germany, Spain and Poland / Miguel Jerez-Mir, Rafael Vaquez
Barcelona - Institut de Ciències Polítiques i Socials, 2009
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Jerez, Ariel
Medios de comunicacion, consumo informativo y actitudes politicas en Espana / Ariel Jerez, Victor Sampedro, Alejandro Baer
Madrid - Centro de Investigaciones Sociologicas, 2000
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Jerez, José Joaquín
Pensamiento político y reforma institucional durante la guerra de las Comunidades de Castilla (1520-1521) / José Joaquín Jerez
Madrid - Marcial Pons, 2007
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Jerger, Jurgen
Remuneration systems, capital formation an the NAIRU / Jurgen Jerger and Jochen Michaelis
London - London school of economics, Centre for economic performance, 1995
Incluso in > Discussion paper / Centre for economic performance
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Jerichow, Anders
The Saudi file - people, power, politics / Anders Jerichow
Richmond - Curzon, 1998
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Jermann, Christoph
Dalla teoria alla prassi - ricerche sul fondamento della filosofia politica in Platone
Milano - Guerini e associati, 1991
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Jermann, Christoph
Dalla teoria alla prassi - ricerche sul fondamento della filosofia politica in Platone / Christoph Jermann
Milano - Guerini, 1991
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Jernegan, Marcus W.
The American Colonies, 1492-1750 - a study of their political, economic, and social development / by Marcus Wilson Jernegan
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Jernegan, Marcus Wilson
The American colonies 1492-1750 - a study of their political, economic and social development / by Marcus Wilson Jernegan
New York ; London ; Toronto - Longmans, Green and Co., 1929
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