Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Politica (A-KIS)

Pagina nr. 5176 di 5334       

Jevons, William Stanley
Teoria della economia politica ed altri scritti economici / W. Stanley Jevons ; introduzione Luigi Amoroso ; trad. di Renzo Fubini e Costanza Argnani
Torino - Unione Tipografica Editrice Torinese, 1947
Testo Monografico

Jevons, William Stanley
The theory of political economy / by W. Stanley Jevons
London ; New York - Macmillan and Co., 1871
Testo Monografico

Jevons, William Stanley
The theory of political economy / by W. Stanley Jevons
London - Macmillan and Co., 1879
Testo Monografico

Jevons, William Stanley
The theory of political economy / by W. Stanley Jevons
London - Macmillan and Co., 1888
Testo Monografico

Jevons, William Stanley
The theory of political economy / by W. Stanley Jevons
Pavia - Biblioteca universitaria, stampa 2011
Monografia elettronica

Jevons, William Stanley
The theory of political economy / by W. Stanley Jevons ; with notes an extension of the bibliography of mathematical economic writings by H. Stanley Jevons
London - MacMillan, 1931
Testo Monografico

Jevons, William Stanley
The theory of political economy / by W. Stanley Jevons ; with notes and extension of the bibliography of mathematical economic writings by H. Stanley Jevons
London - MacMillan, 1911
Testo Monografico

Jevons, William Stanley
The theory of political economy / by W. Stanley Jevons ; with notes and extension of the bibliography of mathematical economic writings by H. Stanley Jevons
London - MacMillan, 1924
Testo Monografico

Jevons, William Stanley
The theory of political economy / by W. Stanley Jevons ; with preface and notes and an extension of the bibliography of mathematical economic writings by H. Stanley Jevons
New York - A. M. Kelley, 1957
Testo Monografico

Jevons, William Stanley
The theory of political economy / W. Stanley Jevons ; edited with an introduction by R. D. Collison Black
Harmondsworth - Penguin books, 1970
Testo Monografico

Jevons, William Stanley
The theory of political economy / W. Stanley Jevons ; with notes and an extension of the bibliography of mathematical economic writings by H. Stanley Jevons
Charlottesville, Virginia - Lincoln-Rembrandt, (19..)
Testo Monografico

Jevons, William Stanley
The theory of political economy / W. Stanley Jevons ; with preface and notes and an extension of the bibliography of mathematical economic writings by H. Stanley Jevons
New York - A. M. Kelley, 1965
Testo Monografico

Jewell, Keala
The art of enigma - the De Chirico brothers & the politics of modernism / Keala Jewell
University Park - The Pennsylvania State University, ©2004
Testo Monografico

Jewell, Malcolm E.
Political parties and elections in American states / Malcolm E. Jewell, David M. Olson
Chicago, Ill - the Dorsey Press, c1988
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Jewell, Malcolm E.
Political parties and elections in American states / Malcom E. Jewell, Sarah M. Moorehouse
Washington - CQ Press, c2001
Testo Monografico