Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Politica (A-KIS)

Pagina nr. 5183 di 5334       

Johansson, Gotthard
Come la Svezia cerca di risolvere il suo problema degli alloggi / compilato da Gotthard Johansson, Arthur Hald e Per Holm
Stoccolma - Istituto svedese per le relazioni culturali con l'estero, 1947
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Johansson, Per-Olov
The economic theory and measurement of environmental benefits / Per-Olov Johansson
Cambridge etc. - Cambridge university press, 1987
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John, K. C.
The melting pot - Kerala, 1950's-1970's / K. C. John
Trivandrum - Prasanthi printers, 1975
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John, Michael
Politics and the law in late nineteenth-century Germany - the origins of the civil code / Michael John
Oxford - Clarendon Press, 1989
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John, Michael
Politics and the law in late ninteenth century Germany - The origins of the civil code / Michael John
Oxford - Clarendon Press, 1989
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John, Peter
Policy agendas in British politics / Peter John ... (ed altri)
Basingstoke - Palgrave Macmillan, 2013
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Johnpoll, Bernard K.
The politics of futility - the General Jewish Workers Bund of Poland, 1917-1943 / by Bernard K. Johnpoll
Ithaca, N.Y. - Cornell University press, 1967
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Johns, Christopher M. S.
Antonio Canova and the politics of patronage in revolutionary and Napoleonic Europe / Christopher M. S. Johns
Berkeley (etc. - University of California press, (1998
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Johns, Christopher M. S.
Papal art and cultural politics - Rome in the age of Clement 11. / Christopher M. S. Johns
Cambridge - Cambridge University press, 1993
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Johns, Elizabeth
American genre painting - the politics of everyday life / Elizabeth Johns
New Haven (CT) - Yale University Press, 1991
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Johns, Lovell
Unione Europea carta geografica - politica regionale - zone ammissibili / Lovell Johns
Bruxelles - Commissione europea, c1997
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Johns, Sheridan
1- Protest and hope - 1882-1934 / by Sheridan Johns, 3
Stanford - Hoover institution press - Stanford university, 1990
Incluso in > From protest to challenge - a documentary history of African politics in South Africa, 1882-1964 / edited by Thomas Karis and Gwendolen M. Carter
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Johns, Sheridan
1- Protest and hope - 1882-1934 / Sheridan Johns, 3
Stanford, Calif. - Hoover Institution Press, 1972
Incluso in > From protest to challenge - a documentary history of African politics in South Africa, 1882-1964 / edited by Thomas Karis and Gwendolen M. Carter
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Johns, Sheridan
1- Protest and hope, 1882-1934 / by Sheridan Johns, 3
Stanford - Hoover institution press, Stanford university, 1987
Incluso in > From protest to challenge - a documentary history of African politics in South Africa, 1882-1964 / edited by Thomas Karis and Gwendolen M. Carter
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Johnson Wright, Amy
Bible of Borso d'Este- Christian piety and political rhetoric in quattrocento Ferrara / by Amy Johnson Wright
Ann Arbor - UMI, c2003
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