Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Politica (A-KIS)

Pagina nr. 5186 di 5334       

Johnson, Gerald White (1890- )
Roosevelt- an american study / by Gerald W. Johnson ; with an introduction and notes by D. W. Brogan fellow of Peterhouse and professor of political science in teh University of Cambridge
London - Hamish Hamilton, 1942
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Johnson, Gordon
Provincial politics and Indian nationalism - Bombay and the Indian National Congress, 1880 to 1915 / by Gordon Johnson
Cambridge - University press, 1973
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Johnson, H. Thomas
Relevance lost - the rise and fall of management accounting / H. Thomas Johnson and Robert S. Kaplan
Boston - Harvard business school press, c1991
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Johnson, H. Thomas
La riscossa della contabilità direzionale - dal controllo top down all'empowerment / H. Thomas Johnson ; prefazione di Pier Luigi Piccari
Milano - Il sole-24 ore libri, 1995
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Johnson, Haynes
Sleepwalking through history - America in the Reagan years / Haynes Johnson
New York etc. - Doubleday, 1992
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Johnson, Hewlett
The socialist sixth of the world / by Hewlett Johnson ; with illustrations by Nowell Mary Hewlett Johnson
London - Gollancz, 1945
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Johnson, Hubert C.
The Midi in revolution - a study of regional political diversity - 1789-1793 / Hubert C. Johnson
Princeton, NJ - Princeton university press, copyr. 1986
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Johnson, Janet Buttolph
Political science research methods / Janet Buttolph Johnson, H.T. Reynolds, with Jason D. Mycoff
Washington - CQ Press, c2008
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Johnson, Janet Buttolph
Political science research methods / Janet Buttolph Johnson, Richard A. Joslyn
Washington - Congressional quarterly, c1986
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Johnson, Janet Buttolph
Political science research methods / Janet Buttolph Johnson, Richard A. Joslyn
Washington - Congressional Quarterly, c1995
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Johnson, John H.
Borrower Ownership of Adjustment Programs and the Political Economy of Reform / John H. Johnson, Sulaiman S. Wasty
Washington - The World Bank, c1993
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Johnson, John J.
Political change in Latin America - the emergence of the middle sectors / John J. Johnson
Stanford - Stanford University Press, 1958
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Johnson, John J.
Political change in Latin America - the emergence of the middle sectors / John J. Johnson
Stanford - Stanford Univ. Pr., 1964
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Johnson, John J.
La transformación política de América Latina - surgimiento de los sectoresmedios / John J. Johnson ; estudio preliminar de Sergio Bagú
Buenos Aires - Libreria Hachette, 1961
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Johnson, Kimberley
Reforming Jim Crow - Southern politics and state in the age before Brown / Kimberley Johnson
New York - Oxford University Press, 2010
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