Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Politica (A-KIS)

Pagina nr. 5198 di 5334       

Jones, Gwynne Farley Trevallyn
Saw-pit Wharton - the political career from 1640 to 1691 of Philip, fourth Lord Wharton / G. F. Trevallyn Jones
Sydney - Sydney University Press, 1967
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Jones, Henry Stuart
The French state in question - public law and political argument in the Third Republic / H. S. Jones
Cambridge - Cambridge University Press, 1993
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Jones, Henry Stuart
The French state in question - public law and political argument in the Third Republic / H. S. Jones
Cambridge (etc.) - Cambridge University Press, 1993
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Jones, Henry Stuart
Victorian political thought / H. S. Jones
Basingstoke ; London - Macmillan Press ; New York - St. Martin's Press, 2000
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Jones, Jacqueline
Created equal - a social and political history of the United States / Jacqueline Jones ... (ed altri)
New York - Pearson Longman, c2006
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Jones, James Barry
Labour and the British State / Barry Jones and Michael Keating
Oxford - Clarendon, 1985
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Jones, James Rees
Charles 2. - royal politician / J. R. Jones
London (etc.) - Allen & Unwin, 1987
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Jones, James Rees
The first whigs - the politics of the exclusion crisis - 1678-1683 / J.R. Jones
London °etc. - Oxford university press, 1961
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Jones, James Rees
The first Whigs - the politics of the exclusion crisis, 1678-1683 / by J.R. Jones
Westport (Conn.) - Greenwood press, c1961
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Jones, Jeffrey P.
Entertaining politics - new political television and civic culture / Jeffrey P. Jones
Lanham (etc.) - Rowman & Littlefield, c2005
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Jones, Jeffrey P.
Entertaining politics - satiric television and political engagement / Jeffrey P. Jones
Lanham, Md. - Rowman & Littlefield, c2010
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Jones, John H.
The economics of war and conquest - an examination of Mr. Norman Angell's economic doctrines / by J.H.Jones
London - P.S.King and son, 1915
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Jones, Joseph M.
The fifteen weeks - February 21-June 5, 1947 / Joseph M. Jones
New York - Viking press, 1955
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Jones, Kathleen B.
Compassionate authority - democracy and the representation of women / Kathleen B. Jones
New York ; London - Routledge, 1993
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Jones, Kathleen B.
The making of social policy in Britain - 1830-1990 / Kathleen Jones
London ; Atlantic Highlands - Athlone press, 1994
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