Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Politica (A-KIS)

Pagina nr. 5260 di 5334       

Katolo, Arthur Jerzy
La medicina disumana... - politica sanitaria del Terzo Reich come negazione dei principi della medicina / Artur Jerzy Katolo
Lublin - Wydawnictwo Archidiecezji Lubelskiej "Gaudium" ; Rende - (s.e.), 2009
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Katorgin, Ivan Ivanovic
Istoriceskij opyt KPSS po osušcestvleniju novoj ekonomiceskoj politiki - 1921-1925 gg. / I. I. Katorgin
Moskva - "Mysl'", 1971
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Katouzian, Homa
Iranian history and politics - the dialectic of state and society / Homa Katouzian
London - RoutledgeCurzon, 2003
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Katouzian, Homa
Musaddiq and the struggle for power in Iran / Homa Katouzian
London ; New York - I. B. Tauris, 1999
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Katouzian, Homa
The political economy of modern Iran - despotism and pseudo-modernism, 1926-1979 / Homa Katouzian
London - Macmillan, 1981
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Katouzian, Homa
State and society in Iran - the eclipse of the Qajars and the emergence of the Pahlavis / Homa Katouzian
London ; New York - I. B. Tauris, 2000
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Katrak, Ketu H.
Politics of the female body - postcolonial women writers of the third world / Ketu H. Katrak
New Brunswick, N.J. - Rutgers University Press, c2006
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Katsoulacos, Yannis
Emission taxes and market structure / Yiannis Katsoulacos and Anastasios Xepapadeas
Milano - Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei, 1994
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Katumanga, Musambayi
A city under siege- banditry & modes of accumulation in Nairobi, 1991-2004 / Musambayi Katumanga
Incluso in > Review of African political economy
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Katz, Abraham
The politics of economic reform in the Soviet Union / Abrahm Katz
New York (etc.) - Praeger, 1972
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Katz, Barry R.
The Birds of Aristophanes and politics / Barry R. Katz
Incluso in > Athenaeum - studi periodici di letteratura e storia
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Katz, Bruce
The metropolitan revolution - how cities and metros are fixing our broken politics and fragile economy / Bruce Katz and Jennifer Bradley
Washington DC - Brookings Institution press, 2013
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Katz, David S.
Messianic revolution - radical religious politics to the end of the second millennium / David S. Katz and Richard H. Popkin
London (etc. - Allen Lane, Penguin Press, 1999
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Katz, David S.
Messianic revolutions - radical religious politics to the end of the second millennium / David S. Katz and Richard H. Popkin
New York - Hill and Wang, 1999
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Katz, Jacob
From prejudice to destruction - anti-semitism, 1700-1933 / Jacob Katz
Cambridge, MA - Harvard university press, c1980
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