Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Politica (A-KIS)

Pagina nr. 5275 di 5334       

Keen, Ralph
Divine and human authority in Reformation thought - German theologians on political order, 1520-1555 / by Ralph Keen
Nieuwkoop - De Graaf, 1997
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Keenan, Alan
Democracy in question - democratic openess in a time of political closure / Alan Keenan
Stanford - Stanford University Press, ©2003
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Keenan, Barry C.
Dewey experiment in China - educational reform and political power in the early Republic / by Barry Keenan
Cambridge (Mass.) - Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard University (distributed by Harvard University Press), 1977
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Keenan, Jeremy
Demystifying Africa's security / Jeremy Keenan
Incluso in > Review of African political economy
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Keenan, Jeremy
Security & insecurity in North Africa / Jeremy H. Keenan
Incluso in > Review of African political economy
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Keenan, Jeremy
Terror in the Sahara- the implications of US imperialism for North & West Africa / Jeremy Keenan
Incluso in > Review of African political economy
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Keenan, Jeremy
Uranium goes critical in Niger- Tuareg rebellions threat sahelian conflagration / Jeemy Keenan
Incluso in > Review of African political economy
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Keene, Edward
Beyond the anarchical society - Grotius, colonialism and order in world politics / Edward Keene
Cambridge - Cambridge University press, 2002
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Keene, Edward
International political thought - a historical introduction / Edward Keene
Cambridge, UK - Polity, 2005
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Keens-Soper, Maurice
Europe in the world - the persistence of power politics / Maurice Keens-Soper
Houndmills - Macmillan ; New York - St. Martins press, 1999
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Keens-Soper, Maurice
Europe in the world - the persistence of power politics / Maurice Keens-Soper
Basingstoke ; London - Macmillan ; New York - St.Martin's press, 2000
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Keer, Dhananjay
Mahatma Gandhi - political saint and unarmed prophet / Dhananjay Keer
Bombay - Popular Prakashan, 1973
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Keeton, Charles Lee
King Thebaw and the ecological rape of Burma - the political and commercial struggle between British India and French Indo-China in Burma, 1878-1886 / by Charles Lee Keeton 3rd ; foreword by John F. Cady
Delhi - Manohar book service, 1974
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Keeton, George W.
Jeremy Bentham and the law - a symposium / by George W. Keeton and Georg Schwarzenberger
London - Stevens $ Sons Limited, 1948
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Keeton, George W.
Shakespeare's legal and political background
London - Pitman & Sons, 1967
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