(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Politica (KIS-Z) |
Pagina nr. 1134 di 5130 |
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Desarrollo economico - Teoria. Historia. Politica / Gerald M. Meier, Robert E. Baldwin ; traduccion del ingles por Javier Irastorza Revuelta Madrid - Aguilar, (1964) Testo Monografico Meier, Heinrich Carl Schmitt and Leo Strauss - the hidden dialogue - including Strauss's notes on Schmitt's Concept of the Political and three letters from Strauss to Schmitt / Heinrich Meier ; translated by J. Harvey Lomax ; foreword by Joseph Cropsey Chicago etc. - The University of Chicago Press, 1995 Testo Monografico Meier, Heinrich Carl Schmitt and Leo Strauss - the hidden dialogue ; including Strausss notes on Schmitts Concept of the political and three letters from Strauss to Schmitt / Heinrich Meier ; translated by J. Harvey Lomax ; foreword by Joseph Cropsey Chicago ; London - University of Chicago Press, 2006 Testo Monografico Meier, Heinrich Carl Schmitt e Leo Strauss - per una critica della teologia politica / Heinrich Meier ; col saggio di Leo Strauss su Il concetto di politico e le sue lettere a Carl Schmitt del 1932/1933 ; edizione italiana a cura di Corrado Badocco Siena - Cantagalli, 2011 Testo Monografico Meier, Heinrich Carl Schmitt, Leo Strauss et la notion de politique - un dialogue entre absents / Heinrich Meier ; suivi du commentaire de Leo Strauss sur "La notion de politique" et de trois lettres inedites a Carl Schmitt des annees 1932-1933 ; traduit de l'allemand par Francoise Manent Paris - Julliard, 1990 Testo Monografico Meier, Heinrich Carl Schmitt, Leo Strauss und "Der Begriff des Politischen" - zu einem Dialog unter Abwesenden / Heinrich Meier ; mit Leo Strauss' Aufsatz uber den "Begriff des Politischen" und drei unveroffentlichten Briefen an Carl Schmitt aus den Jahren 1932-33 Stuttgart - Metzler, 1988 Testo Monografico Meier, Heinrich Die Lehre Carl Schmitts - vier Kapitel zur Unterscheidung politischer Theologie und politischer Philosophie / Heinrich Meier Stuttgart ; Weimar - J. B. Metzler, c1994 Testo Monografico Meier, Heinrich Leo Strauss and the thelogico-political problem / Heinrich Meier ; translated by Marcus Brainard Cambridge °etc. - Cambridge university press, 2006 Testo Monografico Meier, Heinrich Leo Strauss and the theologico-political problem / Heinrich Meier ; translated by Marcus Brainard New York - Cambridge University Press, 2007 Testo Monografico Meier, Heinrich The lesson of Carl Schmitt - four chapters on the distinction between political theology and political philosophy / Heinrich Meier ; translated by Marcus Brainard Chicago ; London - The University of Chicago press, 1998 Testo Monografico Meier, Heinrich Das theologisch-politische Problem - zum Thema von Leo Strauss / Heinrich Meier Stuttgart - Metzler, °2003 Testo Monografico Meier, Henrique Politica, derecho y administracion del ambiente y de los recursos naturales renovables / Henrique Meier Caracas - Universidad Santa Maria, Fundo editorial Lola de Fuenmayor, 1987 Testo Monografico Meier, Kenneth J. Politics and the bureaucracy - policymaking in the Fourth Branch of Government / Kenneth J. Meier North Scituate - Duxbury, c1979 Testo Monografico Meier, Kenneth J. Politics and the bureaucracy - policymaking in the fourth branch of government / Kenneth J. Meier Monterey - Brooks/Cole , c1987 Testo Monografico Meier, Kenneth J. The politics of sin - drugs, alcohol and public policy / Kenneth J. Meier Armonk ; London - M.E. Sharpe, c1994 Testo Monografico |