(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Politica (KIS-Z) |
Pagina nr. 2355 di 5130 |
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Several essays in political arithmetick / William Petty ; with memoirs of the authors life London - Routledge-Thoemmes press ; Tokyo - Kinokuniya, 1992 Incluso in > British seventeenth and eighteenth-century economic thought Testo Monografico Petty, William Several essays in political arithmetick. By Sir William Petty, Knt. and fellow of the Royal Society London - printed for D. Browne, without Temple-Bar - J. Shuckburgh, at the Sun, and J. Whiston and B. White, at Boyle's Head in Fleet Street, 1755 Testo Monografico Petty, William Several essays in political arithmetick- the titles of which follow in the ensuing pages. By William Petty .. London - printed for Robert Clavel at the Peacock, and Henry Mortlock at the Phoenix in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1699 Testo Monografico Petty, William Tracts; chiefly relating to Ireland. Containing- 1. A treatise of taxes and contributions. 2. Essays in political arithmetic. 3. The political anatomy of Ireland. By the late Sir William Petty. To which is prefixed his last will Dublin - printed by Boulter Grierson, printer to the King's most excellent majesty, 1769 Testo Monografico Petty, William Two essays in political arithmetick, concerning the people, housing, hospitals, &c. of London and Paris. By sir William Petty .. London - printed for J. Lloyd in the Middle Exchange next Salisbury-House in the Strand., 1687 Testo Monografico Petyx, Vincenza Borghesia e proletariato in Bonald / Vincenza Petyx Incluso in > Il pensiero politico - rivista di storia delle idee politiche e sociali Testo a stampa Petzold Pernia, Hermann Derecho y politica- consideraciones sobre la enmienda n. 1 de la Constitución venezolana vigente / H. Petzold Pernía Maracaibo - Universidad de Zulia, stampa 1976 Testo Monografico Peukert, Detlev J. K. Die Edelweißpiraten - Protestbewegungen jugendlicher Arbeiter im dritten Reich - ein Dokumentation / Detlev Peukert Köln - Bund-Verlag, 1980 Testo Monografico Peukert, Detlev J. K. Die KPD im Widerstand - Verfolgung und Untergrundarbeit an Rhein und Ruhr 1933 bis 1945 / Detlev Peukert Wuppertal - P. Hammer, 1980 Testo Monografico Peusner, Leonardo El santuario del Aconcagua - una novela de aventuras, misterio, ocultismo, ciencia ficcion e intriga politica / Leonardo Peusner ; en version al espanol de Rolando Costa Picazo Buenos Aires - Corregidor, 1996 Testo Monografico Pevar, Stephen L. The rights of Indians and tribes - the basic ACLU guide to Indian and tribal rights / Stephen L. Pevar Carbondale ; Edwardsville - Southern Illinois university press, c1992 Testo Monografico Pevarello, Francesco Tra fede e politica - i cattolici del dissenso a Verona - 1966-1978 / Francesco Pevarello Sommacampagna - Cierre, c2008 Testo Monografico Pevzner, Jakov Aleksandrovic URSS perestroïka et discussions en économie politique / Y. Pevzner Moscou - Editions du progrès, c1990 Testo Monografico Peycam, Philippe M. F. The birth of Vietnamese political journalism - Saigon, 1916-1930 / Philippe M. F. Peycam New York - Columbia University press, c2012 Testo Monografico Peyraud de Beaussol, La vita militare, politica e privata della nobile zittella la signora d'Eon conosciuta fino all'anno 1777 sotto il nome di cavalier d'Eon scritta in franzese dal signore De La Fortelle e trasportata in italiano per la prima volta In Firenze - a spese di Francesco Pisoni, mercante di libri al Canto al Diamante, 1779 (impresso da Gaetano Cambiagi) Testo Monografico |