Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Politica (KIS-Z)

Pagina nr. 2755 di 5130       

Rand, Benjamin
3- Bibliography of philosophy, psychology, and cognate subjects / compiled by Benjamin Rand.
Incluso in > Dictionary of philosophy and psychology - including many of the principal conceptions of ethics, logic, aesthetics, philosophy of religion, mental pathology, anthropology, biology, neurology, physiol...
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Rand, Philip T.
English economic, political and technical texts for students of translation / Philip T. Rand
Rome - s. n. , 1990 (Roma - Pioda G.)
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Randall, Adrian
Charities and taxation - crossing the minefield / Adrian Randall, Stephen Williams
Hemel Hempstead - ICSA, 1995
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Randall, Alan
Resource economics - an economic approach to natural resource & environmental policy / Alan Randall
New York etc. - Wiley & Son, 1987
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Randall, F.
British government and politics / F. Randall
Plymouth - Macdonald and Evans, 1984
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Randall, Kenneth C.
Federal courts and the international human rights paradigm / Kenneth C. Randall
Durham and London - Duke University Press, 1990
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Randall, Laura
The political economy of Brazilian oil / Laura Randall
Westport, Connecticut ; London - Praeger, 1993
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Randall, Laura
The political economy of mexican oil / Laura Randall
New York etc. - Praeger, 1989
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Randall, Laura
The political economy of Venuzuelan oil / Laura Randall
New York (etc.) - Praeger, c1987
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Randall, Richard S.
Censorship of the movies - the social and political control of a mass medium / (by) Richard S. Randall
Madison - University of Wisconsin Press, (1970)
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Randall, Richard S.
Freedom and taboo - pornography and the politics of a self divided / Richard S. Randall
Berkeley, Ca ed altri - University of California press, c 1989
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Randall, Stephen
People's education and nation building for a new South Africa / Stephen Randall
Incluso in > Review of African political economy
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Randall, Stephen J.
The Caribbean basin - an international history / Stephen J. Randall and Graeme S. Mount ; with David Bright
London ; New York - Routledge, 1998
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Randall, Vicky
Political change and underdevelopment - a critical introduction to third world politics / Vicky Randall and Robin Theobald
Basingstoke ; London - Macmillan, 1985
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Randall, Vicky
Political change and underdevelopment - a critical introduction to third world politics / Vicky Randall and Robin Theobald
Durham - Duke university press, 1998
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