Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Politica (KIS-Z)

Pagina nr. 3258 di 5130       

Safire, William
The new language of politics - a dictionary of catchwords, slogans, a political usage / William Safire
New York - First Collier Books, 1972
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Safire, William
The new language of politics - a dictionary of catchwords, slogans, and political usage / by William Safire
New York - Collier Books, (1972)
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Safire, William
Safires political dictionary / by William Safire
New York - Random House, c1978
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Safire, William
Safires political dictionary / William Safire
New York (etc.) - Oxford university press, 2008
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Safire, William
Safire's political dictionary / William Safire
New York - Oxford University Press, c2008
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Safonov, Dimitrij Anatol'evic
Social'no-politiceskie vozzrenija krest'janskaja Juznogo Urala v seredine 19. veka / D. A. Safonov
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato ) - Orenburgskaja Gubernija, 1993
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Safouan, Moustapha
Perché il mondo arabo non è libero - politica della scrittura e terrorismo religioso / Moustapha Safouan
Milano - Spirali, 2008
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Safouan, Moustapha
Why are the Arabs not free - the politics of writing / Moustapha Safouan
Oxford - Blackwell, 2007
Incluso in > Critical quarterly
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Safran, Nadav
Egypt in search of political community - an analysis of the intellectual and political evolution of Egypt, 1804-1952 / Nadav Safran
Cambridge, (Mass.) - Harvard University Press, 1961
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Safran, Nadav
Israel - the embattled ally / Nadav Safran
Cambridge ; Massachusetts ; London - the Belknap press of Harvard University Press, 1978
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Sagar, D. J.
Major political events in Indo-China - 1945-1990 / D. J. Sagar
Oxford ; New York - Facts on file, 1991
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Sage, Colin
Making and un-making meat- cultural boundaries, environmental thresholds and dietary transgressions / Colin Sage
Incluso in > Food transgressions - making sense of contemporary food politics / edited by Michael K. Goodman and Colin Sage
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Sage, Elizabeth M.
A dubious science - political economy and the social question in 19. century France / Elizabeth M. Sage
New York (etc.) - Peter Lang, c2009
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Saggar, Shamit
The 1997 general election - ethnic minorities and electoral politics / by Shamit Saggar
London - Commission for racial equality, 1998
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Saggar, Shamit
Pariah politics - understanding Western islamist extremism and what should be done / Shamit Saggar
Oxford - Oxford University press, 2009
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