Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Politica (KIS-Z)

Pagina nr. 3520 di 5130       

Schneider-Arnsperger, Christian
Critical political economy - complexity, rationality, and the logic of post-orthodox pluralism / Christian Arnsperger ; foreword by David Colander
London and New York - Routledge, 2008
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Schneiderfranken, Ilse
Le industrie nel Cantone Ticino - tesi di laurea inaugurale presentata alla sezione filologico-storica della Facolta di filosofia dell'Universita di Basilea per il conseguimento del dottorato in scienze politiche / Ilse Schneiderfranken
Bellinzona - Istituto editoriale ticinese, 1937
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Schneiderman, David
Judicial politics and international investment arbitration- seeking an explanation for conflicting outcomes / David Schneiderman.
Incluso in > Northwestern journal of international law & business
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Schneirov, Richard
Labor and urban politics - class conflict and the origins of modern liberalism in Chicago, 1864-97 / Richard Schneirov
Urbana ; Chicago - University of Illinois Press, ©1998
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Schnepel, Burkhard
The jungle kings - ethnohistorical aspects of politics and ritual in Orissa / Burkhard Schnepel
New Delhi - Manohar, 2002
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Schnerb, Robert
Ledru-Rollin / par Robert Schnerb
Paris - Presses universitaires de France, 1948
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Schnur, Roman
Individualismo e assolutismo - aspetti della teoria politica europea prima di Thomas Hobbes, (1600-1640) / di Roman Schnur
Milano - Giuffrè, stampa 1979
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Schnyder von Wartensee, Ilaria
Dalle politiche alle dinamiche di sviluppo - l'importanza dei soggetti - dottorato di ricerca in diritto internazionale dell'economia, 21. ciclo / Ilaria Schnyder von Wartensee ; tutore- Alberto Brugnoli
(Milano, 2009)
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Schnytzer, Adi
Stalinist economic strategy in practice - the case of Albania / by Adi Schnytzer
Oxford - Oxford University Press, 1982
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Schochet, Gordon Joel
The authoritarian family and political attitudes in 17th-century England - patriarchalism in political thought - with a new introduction by the author / Gordon J. Schochet
New Brunswick, USA ; London - Transaction Books, c1988
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Schochet, Gordon Joel
Life, liberty and property - essays on Locke's political ideas / Gordon J. Schochet
Belmont, (Calif.) - Wadsworth Publishing Company, c1971
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Schochet, Gordon Joel
Patriarchalism in political thought - the authoritarian family and political speculation and attitudes especially in seventeenth-century England / Gordon J. Schochet
Oxford - Blackwell, c1975
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Schoelcher, Victor
L' immigration aux colonies - réponse à M. Émile Bellier - suivie de ses lettres à M. Victor Schoelcher / Victor Schoelcher
Paris - Imp. du Moniteur des Colonies, 1883
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Schoell-Glass, Charlotte
Aby Warburg and anti-semitism - political perspectives on images and culture / Charlotte Schoell-Glass ; translated by Samuel Pakucs Willcocks
Detroit - Wayne State University Press, 2008
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Schoeman, Elna
Mandela's five years of freedom - South African politics, economics and social issues, 1990-1995 - a select and annotated bibliography / compiled by Elna Schoeman, Jacqueline A. Kalley and Naomi Musiker
Johannesburg - South African institute of international affairs, 1996
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