Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Politica (KIS-Z)

Pagina nr. 3527 di 5130       

Schram, Stuart R.
The thought of Mao Tse-Tung / Stuart Schram
Cambridge etc. - Cambridge university press, c 1989
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Schraven, Martin
Philosophie und Revolution - Schellings Verhaltnis zum Politischen im Revolutionsjahr 1848 / von Martin Schraven
Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt - Frommann-Holzboog, 1989
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Schreiber, Emile
La Suisse pays d'hommes libres - enquête sur la démocratie suisse et son rayonnement international / Emile Schreiber
Paris - Les éditions Denoël, ©1937
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Schreiber, Georg
I due tribuni / Georg Schreiber
Brescia - La scuola, c1967
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Schreiber, Ronnee
Righting feminism - conservative women and American politics / Ronnee Schreiber
Oxford ; New York - Oxford University Press, 2008
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Schreiber, Roy E.
The political career of sir Robert Naunton - 1589-1635 / Roy E. Schreiber
London - Royal historical Society, 1981
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Schreiner, Albert
Zur Geschichte der deutschen Aussenpolitik - 1871-1945 / Albert Schreiner
Berlin - Dietz, 1952-
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Schrems, John J.
Principles of politics - an introduction / John J. Schrems
Englewood Cliffs - Prentice-Hall, c1986
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Schrems, John J.
Understanding the principles of politics and the state / John Schrems
Lanham (etc.) - University Press of America, 2011
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Schreuder, Deryck Marshall
The scramble for southern Africa, 1877-1895 - the politics of partition reappraised / D.M. Schreuder
Cambridge (etc.) - Cambridge university press, 1980
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Schreurs, Miranda A.
Environmental politics in Japan, Germany, and the United States / Miranda A. Schreurs
Cambridge - University Press, 2002
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Schrijver, Georges - de
The political ethics of Jean-François Lyotard and Jacques Derrida / by Georges de Schrijver
Leuven (etc. - Peeters, 2010
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Schrire, Robert
Adapt or die - the end of white politics in South Africa / Robert Schrire
London - Hurst, 1992
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Schritsmeier, Leonhard
Speculum politicum, in quo exhibentur nobilissimæ quæstiones ex jure publico decerptæ, artificiosa & perspicua methodo pertractatæ, & historiarum flosculis exornatæ; tractatus politicæ amatoribus lectu jucundus atqve utilis. Autore Leonhardo Schritsmeiero Dithmarso
Francofurti ad Moenum - typis Pauli Hummii - prostat apud Michaelem Cubachium, bibliopolam Lunæburgensem, 1670
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Schroder, Josef
La Germania e i suoi alleati nella seconda guerra mondiale - un contributo sulla politica degli obiettivi bellici di Hitler / Josef Schroder
Bologna - Il Mulino, 1977
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