Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Politica (KIS-Z)

Pagina nr. 3530 di 5130       

Schubert, Glendon
Judicial Policy Making - the political role of the courts / Glendon Schubert ; with an introduction by Martin M. Shapiro
Glenview (Ill.) ; Brighton (Eng.) - Scott, Foresman and Company, c1974
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Schubert, Glendon
Judicial Policy-Making - the political role of the courts / Glendon Schubert ; with an introduction by Lee Loevinger
Glenview (Ill.) - Scott Foresman & Co., c1965
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Schubert, Glendon
Political culture and judicial behavior / Glendon Schubert, - Lanham (etc.) - University Press America
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Schubert, Glendon
1- Political culture and judicial elites - a comparative analysis / Glendon Schubert
Lanham (etc.) - University Press of America, c1985
Incluso in > Political culture and judicial behavior / Glendon Schubert, - Lanham (etc.) - University Press America
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Schubert, Glendon
2- Subcultural analysis of judicial behavior - a direct observational study / Glendon Schubert
Lanham - University Press America, 1985
Incluso in > Political culture and judicial behavior / Glendon Schubert, - Lanham (etc.) - University Press America
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Schubert, Glendon A
Constitutional politics - the political behavior of Supreme Court Justice and the constitutional policies that they make / Glendon A. Schubert
New York (etc.) - Holt, Rinehart and Winston, c1960
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Schubert, Glendon A
The public interest - a critique of the theory of a political concept / by Glendon Schubert
Glencoe, Ill. - Free Press, c1960
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Schudson, Michael
The power of news / Michael Schudson
Cambridge, MA ; London - Harvard university press, 1995
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Schueller, Malini Johar
The politics of voice - liberalism and social criticism from Franklin to Kingston / Malini Johar Schueller
Albany - State University of New York press, 1992
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Schuhmann, Karl
Husserl y lo político - la filosofía husserliana del Estado / Karl Schuhmann
Buenos Aires - Prometeo Libros, 2009
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Schuhmann, Karl
Husserls Staatsphilosophie / Karl Schuhmann
Freiburg ; Munchen - Alber, c1988
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Schui, Florian
Rebellious Prussian - urban political culture under Frederick the Great and his successors / Florian Schui
Oxford - Oxford University Press, 2013
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Schuker, Stephen A.
The end of French predominance in Europe - the financial crisis of 1924 and the adoption of the Dawes Plan / by Stephen A. Schuker
Chapell Hill - The University of North Carolina press, 1978
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Schuknecht, Ludger
EU fiscal rules - issues and lessons from political economy / by Ludger Schuknecht
Frankfurt am Main - European Central Bank, 2004
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Schuknecht, Ludger
Trade protection in the European Community / Ludger Schuknecht
Chur - Harwood Academic Pubrs., 1992
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