Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Politica (KIS-Z)

Pagina nr. 3537 di 5130       

Schurmann, Franz (1926-2010)
The politics of escalation in Vietnam / by Franz Schurmann, Peter Dale Scott, Reginald Zelnik ; with a foreword by Arthur Schlesinger, jr. ; summary and conclusions by Carl E. Schorske
Greenwich - Fawcett, 1966
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Schurr, Carolin
Performing politics, making space - a visual ethnography of political change in Ecuador / Carolin Schurr
Stuttgart - Franz Steiner Verlag, 2013
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Schurr, Sam H.
Energy in America's future - the choices before us / by Sam H. Schurr, project director ... (ed altri)
Baltimore - Published for Resources for the Future by Johns Hopkins University Press, c1979
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Schuschnigg, Kurt - von
Un requiem in rosso-bianco-rosso - note del detenuto dottor Auster / Kurt von Schuschnigg
(Milano) - A. Mondadori, 1947
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Schuster, Kurt G. P.
Der Rote Frontkämpferbund, 1924-1929 - Beiträge zur Geschichte und Organisationstruktur eines politischen Kampfbundes / Kurt G. P. Schuster
Düsseldorf - Droste, c 1975
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Schuster, Liza
The use and abuse of political asylum in Britain and Germany / Liza Schuster
London (etc.) - Frank Cass, 2003
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Schustereit, Hartmut
Linksliberalismus und Sozialdemokratie in der Weimarer Republik - eine vergleichende Betrachtung der Politik von DDP und SPD, 1919-1930 / Hartmut Schustereit
Düsseldorf - Pädagogischer Verlag Schwann, 1975
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Schvarzer, Jorge
La política económica de Martinez de Hoz / Jorge Schvarzer
Buenos Aires - Hyspamerica, 1986
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Schvrzfleisch, Conrad Samuel
Conradi Samuelis Schvrzfleischii Opera historica politica, antehac separatim sub variis titulis edita, nunc uno volumine coniuncta. Accedunt indices huic operi inprimis servientes. ..
Berolini - apud hered. Heinr. Joh. Meieri, 1599
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Schwab, George
Carl Schmitt - la sfida dell'eccezione / George Schwab ; introduzione di Franco Ferrarotti
Roma ecc. - Laterza, 1986
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Schwab, George
The challange of the exception - an introduction to the political ideas of Carl Schmitt between 1921 and 1936 / George Schwab
New York etc. - Greenwood press, 1989
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Schwab, George
The Challenge of the exception - an introduction to the political ideas of Carl Schmitt between 1921 and 1936 / George Schwab
Berlin - Duncker & Humblot, c1970
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Schwab, Larry M.
Changing patterns of congressional politics / Larry M. Schwab
New York (etc.) - Nostrand, c1980
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Schwab, Peter
Decision-making in Ethiopia - a Studi of the Political Process / Peter Schwab
Rutherford ; Madison ; Teaneck - Fairleigh Dickinson University, c1972
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Schwab, Peter
Decision-making in Ethiopia - a study of the political process/ Peter Schwab
London - C. Hurst and Co., 1972
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